
2021-10-08 22:59:42 字數 1458 閱讀 2410

sub csv()

dim fs, myfile as object

dim myfileline as string 'txtfile的行資料

dim sht as worksheet

dim csvfilename as string 'csv檔名

dim totalrows as integer ' 總的行數

dim totalcolumns as integer '總的列數

dim sheetnumber as integer '工作錶號

dim strall as string '整個工作表的文字

csvfilename = inputbox("請輸入檔名:", "csv", "export_csv")

totalrows = 17 ' 總的行數

totalcolumns = 10 '總的列數

sheetnumber = 1 '工作錶號

for each sht in thisworkbook.sheets

set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") '建立filesytemobject

set myfile = fs.createtextfile(activeworkbook.path & "\" + csvfilename & "_sheet" + cstr(sheetnumber) + ".csv") '通過filesystemobject新建乙個csv檔案

for i = 1 to totalrows '從第1行開始

ra = cstr(sht.cells(i, 1).value) '從第一列開始

if ra = "" then exit for

rb = ""

for j = 1 to 10

ca = cstr(sht.cells(1, j).value)

if ca = "" then exit for

if rb = "" then

rb = cstr(sht.cells(i, j).value)


rb = rb & "," & cstr(sht.cells(i, j).value)

end if

next j

myfile.writeline (rb)

strall = strall + rb + vbcrlf

next i

set myfile = nothing

set fs = nothing '關閉檔案和filesystemobject物件

sheetnumber = sheetnumber + 1 '下乙個工作表


msgbox ("已儲存了" + cstr(sheetnumber - 1) + "個csv檔案!")

end sub


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