using namespace std;
#ifdef _win32
string gbktoutf8(const char *src_str)
int len = multibytetowidechar(cp_acp, 0, src_str, -1, null, 0);
wchar_t* wstr = new wchar_t[len + 1];
memset(wstr, 0, len + 1);
multibytetowidechar(cp_acp, 0, src_str, -1, wstr, len);
len = widechartomultibyte(cp_utf8, 0, wstr, -1, null, 0, null, null);
char* str = new char[len + 1];
memset(str, 0, len + 1);
widechartomultibyte(cp_utf8, 0, wstr, -1, str, len, null, null);
string strtemp = str;
if (wstr)
delete wstr;
if (str)
delete str;
return strtemp;
string utf8togbk(const char *src_str)
int len = multibytetowidechar(cp_utf8, 0, src_str, -1, null, 0);
wchar_t* wszgbk = new wchar_t[len + 1];
memset(wszgbk, 0, len * 2 + 2);
multibytetowidechar(cp_utf8, 0, src_str, -1, wszgbk, len);
len = widechartomultibyte(cp_acp, 0, wszgbk, -1, null, 0, null, null);
char* szgbk = new char[len + 1];
memset(szgbk, 0, len + 1);
widechartomultibyte(cp_acp, 0, wszgbk, -1, szgbk, len, null, null);
string strtemp(szgbk);
if (wszgbk)
delete wszgbk;
if (szgbk)
delete szgbk;
return strtemp;
int gbktoutf8(char *str_str, size_t src_len, char *dst_str, size_t dst_len)
iconv_t cd;
char **pin = &str_str;
char **pout = &dst_str; cd = iconv_open("utf8", "gbk");
if (cd == 0) return -1;
memset(dst_str, 0, dst_len);
if (iconv(cd, pin, &src_len, pout, &dst_len) == -1)
return -1;
iconv_close(cd); *pout = '\0'; return 0;
int utf8togbk(char *src_str, size_t src_len, char *dst_str, size_t dst_len)
iconv_t cd; char **pin = &src_str;
char **pout = &dst_str; cd = iconv_open("gbk", "utf8");
if (cd == 0)
return -1;
memset(dst_str, 0, dst_len);
if (iconv(cd, pin, &src_len, pout, &dst_len) == -1)
return -1;
*pout = '\0'; return 0;
int main(void)
char *src_str = "葡萄美酒夜光杯";
cout << "origin string: " << src_str << endl;
#ifdef _win32
// windows default is gbk
string dst_str = gbktoutf8(src_str);
cout << "gbk to utf8: " << dst_str << endl;
string str_utf8 = utf8togbk(dst_str.c_str());
cout << "utf8 to gbk: " << str_utf8 << endl;
// unix default is utf8
char dst_gbk[1024] = ;
utf8togbk(src_str, strlen(src_str),
dst_gbk, sizeof(dst_gbk));
cout << "utf8 to gbk: " << dst_gbk << endl; char dst_utf8[1024] = ;
gbktoutf8(dst_gbk, strlen(dst_gbk), dst_utf8, sizeof(dst_utf8));
cout << "gbk to utf8: " << dst_utf8 << endl;
return 0;
C 實現utf8和gbk編碼字串互相轉換
不同系統或者伺服器之間訊息傳遞經常遇到編碼轉換問題,這裡用c 實現了乙個輕量的gbk和utf8互相轉換,可跨平台使用。重量級的可以用libiconv庫 在windows下用標頭檔案裡的函式進行多位元組和寬字元轉換,linux下採用標頭檔案裡的函式進行編碼互相解析。include include in...
C 實現utf8和gbk編碼字串互相轉換
不同系統或者伺服器之間訊息傳遞經常遇到編碼轉換問題,這裡用c 實現了乙個輕量的gbk和utf8互相轉換,可跨平台使用。重量級的可以用libiconv庫 在windows下用標頭檔案裡的函式進行多位元組和寬字元轉換,linux下採用標頭檔案裡的函式進行編碼互相解析。include include in...
在實現解析上傳後的csv檔案時,發現excel是gbk編碼,c解析的時候亂碼,翻資料找到這篇部落格 c和c 實現字元轉碼 在移植到arm上後,發現liconv函式通過cgi無法正常呼叫,從shell中是可以正常呼叫的,就很奇怪。然後今晚沒找到好的解決方法,就棄用這個函式了,直接用命令列的方式將檔案的...