perl 檔案操作

2021-10-08 20:14:55 字數 1487 閱讀 7892


open (db, "/home/ellie/myfile") or die "can't open file: $!\n"



open(fh, "); # opens "filename" for reading.讀

# the <; symbol is optional.

open(fh, ">filename"); # opens "filename" for writing.寫

# creates or truncates file.

open(fh, "+); # opens "filename" for read, then write.寫讀後寫

open(fh, "+>filename"); # opens "filename" for write, then read.先寫後讀



open(fh, ") or die "can't open file: $!\n"




my $file="d:/readtest.txt";

# is it readble, writeable, and executable?

print "file is readable, writeable, and executable\n"

if -r $file and -w _ and -x _;

# when was it last modified?

print "file was last modified ",-m $file, " days ago.\n";


print "file is a directory.\n "

if -d $file; # is it a directory?


file was last modified 0.0239930555555556 days ago.     

若**:print "file is readable, writeable, and executable\n"

if -r $file and -w _ and -x _;

改為:print "file is readable, writeable, and executable\n"

if -r $file and -w _ ;


file is readable, writeable, and executable

file was last modified 0.0251851851851852 days ago.

-w _為-w $file的簡寫。

perl 檔案操作

perl中檔案操 基礎在perl中,提供了三種檔案控制代碼 stdin,stdout,stderr.它們可以由父程序建立的檔案或者裝置會自動開啟.一般使用open函式來建立檔案控制代碼.open函式的語法是唯讀模式時為 open filehandle,somename 其中filehandle是檔案...

perl 檔案操作總結

一 開啟 關閉檔案 open的返回值用來確定開啟檔案的操作是否成功,當其成功時返回非零值,失敗時返回零,因此可以如下判斷 if open myfile,myfile 當檔案操作完畢後,用close myfile 關閉檔案。讀 open 檔案控制代碼,檔名 open 檔案控制代碼,檔名 前提檔案必須已...

perl的檔案操作 1

假如有乙個從web上拷貝下來的檔案 01 usr bin perl w 02 03 use tk 04 05 tk strictmotif 1 06 07 main mainwindow new 08 09 button1 main button text exit 10 command exit ...