
2021-10-08 17:02:37 字數 4044 閱讀 3613

[root@hadoop001 hivedata]# hadoop fs -get /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/deptno=30/000000_0 emp_dept_partition-deptno30

[root@hadoop001 hivedata]# ls

dept emp_dept_partition-deptno30 emp.txt

hive> alter table emp_dept_partition drop if exists partition(deptno=30);

dropped the partition deptno=30

oktime taken: 0.652 seconds

hive> select * from emp_dept_partition where deptno=30;

oktime taken: 0.507 seconds


[root@hadoop001 hivedata]# hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/

found 2 items

drwxr-xr-x - root supergroup 0 2018-01-08 20:59 /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/deptno=10

drwxr-xr-x - root supergroup 0 2018-01-08 20:59 /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/deptno=20

[root@hadoop001 hivedata]# hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/deptno=30

[root@hadoop001 hivedata]# hadoop fs -put emp_dept_partition-deptno30 /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/deptno=30

[root@hadoop001 hivedata]# hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/emp_dept_partition/deptno=30/emp_dept_partition-deptno30

7499 allen salesman 7698 1981/2/20 1600.0 300.0

7521 ward salesman 7698 1981/2/22 1250.0 500.0

7654 martin salesman 7698 1981/9/28 1250.0 1400.0

7698 blake manager 7839 1981/5/1 2850.0 \n

7844 turner salesman 7698 1981/9/8 1500.0 0.0

7900 james clerk 7698 1981/12/3 950.0 \n

[root@hadoop001 hivedata]#

hive> select * from emp_dept_partition where deptno=30;

oktime taken: 0.116 seconds

語法:alter table table_name add [if not exists] partition partition_spec [location 『location』][, partition partition_spec [location 『location』], …];

hive> alter table emp_dept_partition add if not exists partition (deptno=30);

oktime taken: 0.209 seconds

hive> select * from emp_dept_partition where deptno=30;

ok7499 allen salesman 7698 1981/2/20 1600.0 300.0 30

7521 ward salesman 7698 1981/2/22 1250.0 500.0 30

7654 martin salesman 7698 1981/9/28 1250.0 1400.0 30

7698 blake manager 7839 1981/5/1 2850.0 null 30

7844 turner salesman 7698 1981/9/8 1500.0 0.0 30

7900 james clerk 7698 1981/12/3 950.0 null 30

time taken: 0.168 seconds, fetched: 6 row(s)

我們平時通常是通過alter table add partition方式增加hive的分割槽的,但有時候會通過hdfs put/cp命令往表目錄下拷貝分割槽目錄,如果目錄多,需要執行多條alter語句,非常麻煩。hive提供了乙個"recover partition"的功能。


msck repair table table_name;



hive> show partitions cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest;

oktime taken: 0.104 seconds


hive> dfs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse/cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest/month=201603;

hive> dfs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse/cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest/month=201604;


hive> msck repair table cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest;

okpartitions not in metastore: cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest:month=201603

partitions not in metastore: cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest:month=201604

repair: added partition to metastore cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest:month=201603

repair: added partition to metastore cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest:month=201604

time taken: 0.286 seconds, fetched: 2 row(s)


hive> show partitions cr_cdma_bsi_mscktest;



time taken: 0.102 seconds, fetched: 1 row(s)



etcd 刪除後重新插入,版本號重新計數

在etcd中,資料刪除後重新插入,對應的版本號重新計算,測試 如下 etcdctl endpoints put k1 v1 w json etcdctl endpoints put k1 v11 w json etcdctl endpoints put k1 v111 w json etcdctl ...


1 hive表刪除資料不能使用delete from table name 的sql語句 2 hive表刪除資料要分為不同的粒度 table partition 一 有partition表 刪除具體partition alter table table name drop partition par...

