func buildsparkoperator() *cobra.command1.3構造yaml檔案並提交本地jar包至檔案伺服器sparksubmitcmd := &cobra.command,
}// 初始化flag
return sparkoperatorcmd
func runsparkoperatorsubmit() error }}yaml檔案結構體定義如下//構造標籤
sf.spec.driver.labels = map[string]string
sf.spec.driver.volumemounts.volumemount = volumemount}
sf.spec.executor.labels = map[string]string
sf.spec.executor.volumemounts.volumemount = volumemount}
fs, err := yaml.marshal(&sf)
if err != nil
f, err := os.create(sf.metadata.name + ".yaml")
if err != nil
rmvolume := regexp.mustcompile("volume:\n ")
rmvolumemount := regexp.mustcompile("volumemount:\n ")
yamlstring := string(fs)
yamlstring = rmvolume.replaceallstring(yamlstring, "")
yamlstring = rmvolumemount.replaceallstring(yamlstring, "")
_, err = f.writestring(yamlstring)
if err != nil
uploadfile(cf.filepath, "")
output, err := cmd.output()
if err != nil
fmt.printf("execute shell:%s finished with output:\n%s", cmd, string(output))
return err
type sparkoperatorflags struct1.4修改webhook,使volcano能夠攔截含有標籤的請求spec struct
volumes struct
driver struct
}executor struct }}
}type volumemount struct
type volume struct
type hostpath struct
const (// defaultqueue constant stores the name of the queue as "default"
defaultqueue = "default"
defaultschedulername = "volcano"
init_container_name = "spark-init"
odin_file_server_addr = ""//"odin-file-server"
odin_file_server_port = 80
odin_file_download_key = "odin.io/filename"
odin_image_registry_addr_key = "odin.registry/addr"
)func init()
// 建立mutatingwebhookconfiguration物件
var service = &router.admissionservice,
rule: whv1beta1.rule,
apiversions: string,
resources: string,
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