獲得當前月份select trunc(
)from dual;
邏輯:select to_char(sysdate,
)from dual;
trunc() 函式對於日期: 按照指定格式返回日期獲得當前時間對應的季度邏輯: (當前月份+2)/3
select trunc(12+2/3) from dual;
返回結果: 4
select trunc(6+2/3) from dual;
返回結果: 2
trunc() 函式對於數字: 按照指定精度擷取資料,小數點右邊直接擷取,小數點左邊置為0, 擷取時不進行四捨五入;1.select trunc(sysdate) from dual --2020-3-18 今天的日期為2020-3-18
2.select trunc(sysdate, 'mm') from dual --2020-3-1 返回當月第一天.
3.select trunc(sysdate,'yy') from dual --2020-1-1 返回當年第一天
4.select trunc(sysdate,'dd') from dual --2020-3-18 返回當前年月日
5.select trunc(sysdate,'yyyy') from dual --2020-1-1 返回當年第一天
6.select trunc(sysdate,'d') from dual --2020-3-13 (星期天)返回當前星期的第一天
7.select trunc(sysdate, 'hh') from dual --2020-3-18 14:00:00 當前時間為14:41
8.select trunc(sysdate, 'mi') from dual --2020-3-18 14:41:00 trunc()函式沒有秒的精確
9.select trunc(123.458) from dual --123
10.select trunc(123.458,0) from dual --123
11.select trunc(123.458,1) from dual --123.4
12.select trunc(123.458,-1) from dual --120
13.select trunc(123.458,-4) from dual --0
14.select trunc(123.458,4) from dual --123.458
15.select trunc(123) from dual --123
16.select trunc(123,1) from dual --123
17.select trunc(123,-1) from dual --120
sql 獲取當前季度 (oracle)
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