
2021-10-08 03:37:56 字數 1833 閱讀 9691

employee表包含所有員工資訊,每個員工有其對應的 id, salary 和 department id。


| id | name | salary | departmentid |


| 1 | joe | 70000 | 1 |

| 2 | henry | 80000 | 2 |

| 3 | sam | 60000 | 2 |

| 4 | max | 90000 | 1 |




| id | name |


| 1 | it |

| 2 | sales |


編寫乙個 sql 查詢,找出每個部門工資最高的員工。例如,根據上述給定的**,max 在 it 部門有最高工資,henry 在 sales 部門有最高工資。


| department | employee | salary |


| it | max | 90000 |

| sales | henry | 80000 |


select a.name as department, b.name as employee, b.salary 

from department a join

(select a.name, a.salary, a.departmentid

from employee a




)from employee b

where a.departmentid = b.departmentid

and a.salary < b.salary


1) b

on a.id = b.departmentid

select a.name as department, b.name as employee, b.salary 

from department a join

(select c.name, c.salary, c.departmentid

from employee c,

(select departmentid,


as salary

from employee


by departmentid

) dwhere c.departmentid = d.departmentid

and c.salary = d.salary

) bon a.id = b.departmentid;


訂單操作記錄表,需要獲取每個訂單最新的操作更新時間,以及操作id。使用 over 以及 row number 來實現 select from select operationid,orderno,updatetime,row number over partition by orderno orde...


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sql 分組後的最大值

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