在本文中,我將向您展示一種使用c程式語言實現複數的方法。 請注意,使用此處提供的**沒有任何保證。
複數是乙個數字,例如z,表示z = realpart + i * imaginarypart,其中i是虛數單位,有時用j表示。 另外,i * i = -1,這在找到兩個複數的乘積/除法時很重要。
/* definition of a complex number: */
typedef struct complex complex;
/* complex.h */
#ifndef complex_h
#define complex_h
/* definition of a complex number: */
typedef struct complex complex;
/* prototypes for functions to manipulate complex number(s) (these functions are implemented in file complex.c): */
complex addition( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 );
complex subtraction( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 );
complex multiplication( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 );
complex division( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 );
void print( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber );
檔案complex.c實現了以上功能:/* complex.c */
#include "complex.h"
/* adds two complex numbers, returning a new one, without modifying the ones received: */
complex addition( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 )
/* subtracts two complex numbers, returning a new one, without modifying the ones received: */
complex subtraction( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 )
/* multiplies two complex numbers, returning a new one, without modifying the ones received: */
complex multiplication( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 )
/* divides two complex numbers, returning a new one, without modifying the ones received: */
complex division( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber1, const complex *pointertocomplexnumber2 )
/* prints a complex number in the form ( realpart ) + i( imaginarypart ), without modifying it: */
void print( const complex *pointertocomplexnumber )
最後,我們有乙個名為complextest.c的檔案,該檔案在主函式中測試檔案complex.c和complex.h,這是我們c程式的起點:/* complextest.c */
#include "complex.h"
int main( void )
要使用visual studio 2013編譯該程式,請從命令列開啟vs2013的「開發人員命令提示符」,轉到上述三個檔案所在的目錄,然後輸入命令cl complextest.c complex.c。然後,使用以下命令執行程式
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