private sub vbapassword() '你要解保護的excel檔案路徑
if dir(filename) = "" then
msgbox "沒找到相關檔案,清重新設定。"
exit sub
filecopy filename, filename & ".bak" '備份檔案。
end if
dim getdata as string * 5
open filename for binary as #1
dim cmgs as long
dim dpbo as long
for i = 1 to lof(1)
get #1, i, getdata
if getdata = "cmg=""" then cmgs = i
if getdata = "[host" then dpbo = i - 2: exit for
if cmgs = 0 then
msgbox "請先對vba編碼設定乙個保護密碼...", 32, "提示"
exit sub
end if
dim st as string * 2
dim s20 as string * 1
get #1, cmgs - 2, st
get #1, dpbo + 16, s20
for i = cmgs to dpbo step 2
put #1, i, st
if (dpbo - cmgs) mod 2 <> 0 then
put #1, dpbo + 1, s20
end if
msgbox "檔案解密成功......", 32, "提示"
close #1
end sub
VBA 破解VBA工程密碼
sub vbapassword 你要解保護的excel檔案路徑 excel檔案 xls xla xlt xls xla xlt vba破解 ifdir filename then msgbox 沒找到相關檔案,清重新設定。exit sub else filecopy filename,filenam...
1.將對應的excel 另存為excel97 2003工作簿 xls 假設另存後的檔名為 目標.xls 2.關閉 目標.xls 檔案,一定要關閉 private sub vbapassword 你要解保護的excel檔案路徑 excel檔案 xls xla xlt xls xla xlt vba破解...
sub 取消工作表保護 dim sht as worksheet for each sht in worksheets sht.protect drawingobjects true,contents true,scenarios true allowfiltering true,allowusin...