spark sql的聚合函式中有first, last函式,從字面意思就是根據分組獲取第一條和最後一條記錄的值,實際上,只在local模式下,你可以得到滿意的答案,但是在生產環境(分布式)時,這個是不能保證的。看原始碼的解釋:
* returns the first value of `child` for a group of rows. if the first value of `child`
* is `null`, it returns `null` (respecting nulls). even if [[first]] is used on an already
* sorted column, if we do partial aggregation and final aggregation (when mergeexpression
* is used) its result will not be deterministic (unless the input table is sorted and has
* a single partition, and we use a single reducer to do the aggregation.).
如何保證first, last是有效呢?表要排好序的,同時只能用乙個分割槽處理,再用乙個reducer來聚合。。。
所以,在多分割槽場景不能用first, last函式求得聚合的第一條和最後一條資料。
import spark.implicits._
val df = seq(("a", 10, 12345), ("a", 12, 34567), ("a", 11, 23456), ("b", 10, 55555), ("b", 8, 12348)).todf("name", "value", "event_time")
// 定義window
val asc = window.partitionby("name").orderby($"event_time")
val desc = window.partitionby("name").orderby($"event_time".desc)
// 根據window生成row_number,根據row_number獲取對應的資料
val firstvalue = df.withcolumn("rn", row_number().over(asc)).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn")
val lastvalue = df.withcolumn("rn", row_number().over(desc)).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn")
// 利用join把資料聚合一起
.join("fv"), "name")
.join("lv"), "name")
.select($"", $"fv.value".as("first_value"), $"lv.value".as("last_value"), $"t1.count")
| b| 8| 10| 2|
| a| 10| 12| 3|
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