CentOS 7與CentOS 6的區別

2021-10-06 17:47:18 字數 3185 閱讀 9268

centos 7與centos 6的區別【199cloud-艾娜】


[centos 6] gnome 2.x

[centos 7] gnome 3.x(gnome shell)


[centos 6] ext4

[centos 7] xfs


[centos 6] 2.6.x-x

[centos 7] 3.10.x-x


[centos 6] 2.6

[centos 7] 2.7


[centos 6] iptables

[centos 7] firewalld


[centos 6] mysql

[centos 7] mariadb


[centos 6] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64在/下

[centos 7] /bin, /sbin, /lib, and /lib64在/usr下


[centos 6] /etc/sysconfig/network

[centos 7] /etc/hostname


[centos 6]

$ ntp

$ ntpq -p

[centos 7]

$ chrony

$ chronyc sources


[centos 6]

$ vim /etc/sysconfig/clock



$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/asia/tokyo/etc/localtime

[centos 7]

$ timedatectl set-timezone asia/tokyo

$ timedatectl status


[centos 6]

$ vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n


$ /etc/sysconfig/i18n

$ locale

[centos 7]

$ localectl set-locale.utf8

$ localectl status

實際修改的是檔案 /etc/locale.conf

[centos 6]

$ service service_name start

$ service service_name stop

$ service sshd restart/status/reload

[centos 7]

$ systemctl start service_name

$ systemctl stop service_name

$ systemctl restart/status/reload sshd


[centos 6]

$ chkconfig service_name on/off

[centos 7]

$ systemctl enable service_name

$ systemctl disable service_name


[centos 6]

$ chkconfig --list

[centos 7]

$ systemctl list-unit-files

$ systemctl --type service


[centos 6]

$ kill -9

[centos 7]

$ systemctl kill --signal=9 sshd



[centos 6]

$ netstat

$ netstat -i

$ netstat -n

[centos 7]

$ ip n

$ ip -s l

$ ss

[centos 6]

$ ifconfig -a

[centos 7]

$ ip address show

*路由[centos 6]

$ route -n

$ route -a inet6 -n

[centos 7]

$ ip route show

$ ip -6 route show


*關閉[centos 6]

$ shutdown -h now

[centos 7]

$ poweroff

$ systemctl poweroff

*重啟[centos 6]

$ reboot

$ shutdown -r now

[centos 7]

$ reboot

$ systemctl reboot


[centos 6]

$ init s

[centos 7]

$ systemctl rescue


[centos 6]


$ vim /etc/inittab



$ startx

[centos 7]


$ systemctl isolate multi-user.target


$systemctl isolate graphical.target

預設$ systemctl set-default graphical.target

$ systemctl set-default multi-user.target

當前$ systemctl get-default

(15) 網絡卡命名

[centos 6]


[centos 7]



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