# encoding: utf-8
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import os
# refer:
def get_last_line(inputfile):
filesize = os.path.getsize(inputfile)
blocksize = 1024
dat_file = open(inputfile, 'rb')
last_line = ""
if filesize > blocksize:
maxseekpoint = (filesize // blocksize)
dat_file.seek((maxseekpoint - 1) * blocksize)
elif filesize:
# maxseekpoint = blocksize % filesize
dat_file.seek(0, 0)
lines = dat_file.readlines()
if lines:
last_line = lines[-1].strip()
# print "last line : ", last_line
return last_line
# refer:
def print_first_last_line(inputfile):
filesize = os.path.getsize(inputfile)
blocksize = 1024
dat_file = open(inputfile, 'rb')
headers = dat_file.readline().strip()
if filesize > blocksize:
maxseekpoint = (filesize // blocksize)
dat_file.seek(maxseekpoint * blocksize)
elif filesize:
maxseekpoint = blocksize % filesize
lines = dat_file.readlines()
if lines:
last_line = lines[-1].strip()
# print "first line : ", headers
# print "last line : ", last_line
return headers, last_line
# my implementation
def get_file_last_line(inputfile):
filesize = os.path.getsize(inputfile)
blocksize = 1024
with open(inputfile, 'rb') as f:
last_line = ""
if filesize > blocksize:
maxseekpoint = (filesize // blocksize)
f.seek((maxseekpoint - 1) * blocksize)
elif filesize:
f.seek(0, 0)
lines = f.readlines()
if lines:
lineno = 1
while last_line == "":
last_line = lines[-lineno].strip()
lineno += 1
return last_line
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