3. 假設當前資料庫是xscj,要顯示yggl資料庫的employees表中的內容。
4. 從xs表中檢索出所有學生的資訊,並使用表別名studentinformation。select *
from yggl. employees;
5. 查詢xscj資料庫中所有學生選過的課程名和課程號。select *
from xs as studentinformation;
6. 查詢選修了206號課程且成績不少於80分的學生的姓名和成績。select distinct kc.課程名,xs_kc.課程號
from kc,xs_kc
where kc.課程號=xs_kc.課程號;
7. 查詢選修了計算機基礎課程且成績不少於80分的學生的學號、姓名、課程號及成績。select xs.姓名,成績
from xs join xs_kc on xs.學號=xs_kc.學號
where 課程號 =
'206' and 成績》=
8. 查詢xscj資料庫中課程不同、成績相同的學生的學號。select xs.學號,姓名,課程名,成績
from xs join xs_kc on xs.學號=xs_kc.學號
join kc on xs_kc.課程號 =kc.課程號
where 課程名 =
'計算機基礎' and 成績》=
9. 查詢kc表中所有學生選過的課程名。select a.學號,a.課程號,b.課程號,a.成績
from xs_kc as a join xs_kc as b
on a.成績=b.成績 and a.學號=b.學號 and a.課程號!=b.課程號;
10. 查詢所有學生情況及他們選修的課程號,若學生未選修任何課程,也要包括其情況。select 課程名
from kc inner join xs_kc
11. 查詢被選修了的課程的選修情況和所有開設的課程名。select xs.
from xs left outer join xs_kc on xs.學號=xs_kc.學號;
12. 列出學生所有可能的選課情況。select 課程名,xs_kc.
*from xs_kc right join kc on xs_kc.課程號=kc.課程號;
13. 使用straight_join連線實現課程表和成績表的連線。select 學號,姓名,課程號,課程名
from xs cross join kc;
14. 查詢yggl資料庫中每個員工的情況及其薪水的情況。select distinct 課程名,xs_kc.課程號
from kc straight_join xs_kc
15. 查詢yggl資料庫中每個員工的情況及其部門的情況。select employees .
*,salary .
*from employees ,salary
where employees.employeeid =salary .employeeid;
16. 使用內連的方法查詢名字為「王林」的員工所在的部門。select employees .
*,departments .
*from employees ,departments
where employees .departmentid =departments .departmentid;
17. 使用內連的方法查詢不在財務部工作的所有員工的資訊。select departmentname
from departments join employees on departments .departmentid =employees .departmentid
where employees .name =
18. 使用外連的方法查詢所有員工的月收入。select employees .
*from employees join departments on departments .departmentid =employees .departmentid
where departmentname !=
19. 查詢財務部收入在2000元以上的員工的姓名及其薪水詳情。select income
from salary left outer join employees on employees.employeeid=salary.employeeid;
20. 查詢研發部在2023年以前出生員工的姓名及其薪水詳情。select name ,income ,outcome from employees,salary,departments
where employees.employeeid =salary.employeeid
and employees.departmentid =departments.departmentid
and departmentname=
and income >
select name,income ,outcome,birthday from employees,salary
where year
and departmentid =
(select departmentid from departments where departmentname =
)and employees.employeeid=salary.employeeid;
3 在xs表中查詢學號為081104和學號為081221的兩位同學的資訊。select 學號,姓名,專業名,性別,出生日期,總學分 from xs where 學號 081104 union select 學號,姓名,專業名,性別,出生日期,總學分 from xs where 學號 081221 4...
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