block scalars格式的字串由兩部分組成:scalar header 和 字串
下面就是乙個block scalar字串的例子:
scalars header包含三種型別的header:example
several lines of text,
with some "quotes" of various 'types',
and also a blank line:
plus another line at the end.
- several lines of text,
with some "quotes" of various 'types',
and also a blank line:
plus another line at the end.
several lines of text,
with some "quotes" of various 'types',
and also a blank line:
plus another line at the end.
- several lines of text,
with some "quotes" of various 'types',
and also a blank line:
plus another line at the end.
參考: yaml multilineseveral lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:
plus another line at the end.
多行字串 模板字串
多行字串 下面是普通字串的寫法 普通字串 var l abcd console.log l 編譯結果 如何讓讓乙個字串獨佔多行呢?就需要用到es6 裡的多行字串 多行字串 var i ab cd console.log i 編譯結果 再說說拼接字串,一般情況我們是如何拼接字串的呢?看下面 正常拼接字...
python中如何處理長 格式化問題,如何提高格式化輸出的長字串的可讀性?當我們需要格式化輸出乙個很長的字串的時候,都寫在一行顯得很難看,而且可讀性也很差 當我們使用鏈式的語法寫 的時候常常會超出螢幕的顯示區域。很多語言都有這方面的支援,但是python出現之後,無人能出其右,與其媲美。下面我們看看...
格式字串 生產格式化字串的每個方法都需要格式字串和引數列表。格式字串是乙個string,它可以包含固定文字以及乙個或多個格式說明符。string.format string format,object args 格式說明符的語法 常規型別 字串和數值型的格式說明符的語法 argument index...