always on 清理日誌,日誌過大

2021-10-05 16:11:21 字數 409 閱讀 7137



use databasename

godeclare @bakfile nvarchar(200) --@bakfile備份檔案名

set @bakfile='d:\backup\databasenamelog_bak_'+convert(nvarchar(8),getdate(),112)+'.log'

backup log databasename to disk= @bakfile with retaindays= 1,compression

dbcc shrinkfile(databasename_log,100) --100為希望日誌收縮到的mb數


SQL Server日誌過大,清理日誌

直接執行下面的 use master go alter database 資料庫 set recovery with no wait goalter database 資料庫 set recovery 簡單模式 gouse 資料庫 godbcc shrinkfile n 邏輯名 2000,trunc...

日誌清理 sh

bin bash log dir var log root uid 0 lines 50 e xcd 66 e notroot 67 e wrongargs 65 if uid ne root uid then echo must be root to run this script.exit e ...


root localhost root echo var log wtmp 此檔案預設開啟時亂碼,可查到ip等資訊 root localhost root last 此時即查不到使用者登入資訊 清除登陸系統失敗的記錄 root localhost root echo var log btmp 此檔案...