2、查詢重複的電子郵箱select distinct(l1.num) as consecutivenums
from logs l1, logs l2, logs l3
where l1.id + 1= l2.id
and l2.id + 1= l3.id
and l1.num = l2.num
and l2.num = l3.num
3、部門工資最高的員工select distinct(p1.email)
from person p1, person p2
where p1.email = p2.email
and p1.id != p2.id
select d.name as department, e1.name as employer, e1.salary as salary
from employee e1 join department d
on e1.departmentid = d.id
where e1.salary >= all(select salary
from employee e2
where e1.departmentid = e2.departmentid)
4、部門工資前三高的員工select d.name as department, e.name as employee, e.salary as salary
from employee e join department d
on e.departmentid = d.id
where (e.departmentid, e.salary) in
(select departmentid, max(salary)
from employee
group by departmentid)
select d.name as department, e1.name as employee, e1.salary as salary
from employee e1 join department d
on e1.departmentid = d.id
where 3 >= (select count(distinct salary)
from employee e2
where e1.departmentid = e2.departmentid
and e1.salary <= e2.salary)
order by department, employee, salary desc
考慮到可能不是每個人都有位址資訊,我們應該使用outer join而不是預設的inner join。注意 如果沒有某個人的位址資訊,使用 where 子句過濾記錄將失敗,因為它不會顯示姓名資訊。2.編寫乙個 sql 查詢,獲取 employee 表中第二高的薪水 salary select max ...
LeetCode刷題 資料庫
目錄 175.組合兩個表 176.第二高的薪水 表1 person 列名 型別 personid int firstname varchar lastname varchar personid 是上表主鍵表2 address 列名 型別 addressid int personid int city...
面試刷題 資料庫
1 請回答一下什麼是事務?概念 資料庫事務 transaction 是訪問並可能操作各種資料項的乙個資料庫操作序列,這些操作要麼全部執行,要麼全部不執行,是乙個不可分割的工作單位。事務由事務開始與事務結束之間執行的全部資料庫操作組成。性質 作用 模型 優點 2 內連線和外連線有什麼區別?內連線 外連...