url: jdbc:mysql:
1.sum(timestampdiff(second,a.created_time,a.updated_time)) timecounts統計時間差select
date_format(a.created_time,'%m') months,
count(a.id) counts,
sum(timestampdiff(second,a.created_time,a.updated_time)) timecounts
from hm_service_detail a, hm_online_chat b
where a.health_service = b.id and b.to_user = #
and a.created_time #
group by months;
id,create_id createid,
created_time createdtime,
module_name modulename,
from hm_log
and date_format(created_time, '%y-%m-%d') = date_format(#,'%y-%m-%d')
and type = #
order by created_time desc
public class myblobtypehandler extends basetypehandler catch (unsupportedencodingexception e)
ps.setbinarystream(i, bis, parameter.length());
public string getnullableresult(resultset rs, string columnname)
throws sqlexception
try catch (unsupportedencodingexception e)
public string getnullableresult(callablestatement cs, int columnindex)
throws sqlexception
try catch (unsupportedencodingexception e)
public string getnullableresult(resultset rs, int columnindex)
throws sqlexception
DB 部分MySQL操作記錄
工作中涉及到部分統計工作,恰好把之前的有些sql再熟悉回顧一下。一.涉及到時間統計部分 求時間差 select timestampdiff day,select date create date from account where id 37 select curdate as 試用時間 sele...
管理 查詢 1.查詢資料庫中,包含有資料記錄的表名 select table name from information schema.tables where table schema 資料庫名稱 and table rows 0 2.查詢當前日期時間前三天資料 select from 表名 wh...
mysql 開啟sql日誌,記錄所有sql
我使用的mysql版本為 5.7.11 win7環境 mysql 預設沒有開啟sql日誌。下面步驟開啟sql日誌 找到my.ini檔案,預設是在 c programdata mysql mysql server 5.7 先備份一下my.ini。以免出錯改不回來,開啟my.ini,找到並修改為 日誌輸...