
2021-10-05 00:21:12 字數 4189 閱讀 9526


-n 總的請求數

-c 併發數1、引數選項















-h:新增任意的請求頭,例如:"accept-encoding: gzip",請求頭將會新增在現有的多個請求頭之後(可以重複該引數選項以新增多個)











-h:顯示用法資訊,其實就是ab -help


server software:        nginx/1.10.2 (伺服器軟體名稱及版本資訊)

server hostname:伺服器主機名)

server port: 80 (伺服器端口)

document path: /index1.html. (供測試的url路徑)

document length: 3721 bytes (供測試的url返回的文件大小)

concurrency level: 1000 (併發數)

time taken for tests: 2.327 seconds (壓力測試消耗的總時間)

complete requests: 5000 (的總次數)

failed requests: 688 (失敗的請求數)

write errors: 0 (網路連線寫入錯誤數)

total transferred: 17402975 bytes (傳輸的總資料量)

html transferred: 16275725 bytes (html文件的總資料量)

requests per second: 2148.98 [

#/sec] (mean) (平均每秒的請求數) 這個是非常重要的引數數值,伺服器的吞吐量

time per request: 465.338 [ms]



time request: 0.247 [ms]

(mean, across all concurrent requests)


transfer rate: 7304.41 [kbytes/sec] received 每秒獲取的資料長度 (傳輸速率,單位:kb/s)

...percentage of the requests served within a certain time


50% 347 ## 50%的請求在347ms內返回

66% 401 ## 60%的請求在401ms內返回

75% 431

80% 516

90% 600

95% 846

98% 1571

99% 1593

100% 1619 (longest request)



● 測試機與被測試機要分開

● 不要對線上的伺服器做壓力測試

● 觀察測試工具ab所在機器,以及被測試的機器的cpu、記憶體、網路等都不超過最高限度的75%

[root@nginx-server ~]

# ab -n 50 -c 2

this is apachebench, version 2.3 <


: 1430300 $>

licensed to the apache software foundation,

benchmarking www.testpm.cn (be patient)


server software: nginx/1.16.0

server hostname: www.testpm.cn

server port: 80

document path: /

document length: 612 bytes

concurrency level: 2

time taken for tests: 2.724 seconds

complete requests: 50

failed requests: 0

write errors: 0

total transferred: 42250 bytes

html transferred: 30600 bytes

requests per second: 18.35 [

#/sec] (mean)

time per request: 108.968 [ms]


time per request: 54.484 [ms]

(mean, across all concurrent requests)

transfer rate: 15.15 [kbytes/sec] received

connection times (ms)

min mean[+/-sd] median max

connect: 42 52 17.3 46 137

processing: 43 54 20.8 47 170

waiting: 42 53 20.7 47 170

total: 84 106 28.9 93 219

percentage of the requests served within a certain time


50% 93

66% 96

75% 101

80% 130

90% 153

95% 161

98% 219

99% 219

100% 219 (longest request)


ab是apache超文字傳輸協議 http 的效能測試工具。其設計意圖是描繪當前所安裝的apache的執行效能,主要是顯示你安裝的apache每秒可以處理多少個請求。n 總的請求數 c 併發數 1 引數選項 2 內容解釋 server software nginx 1.10.2 伺服器軟體名稱及版本...


ab是一種用於測試apache超文字傳輸協議 http 伺服器的工具。apache自帶ab工具,可以測試 apache iis tomcat nginx等伺服器 但是ab沒有jmeter loadrunner那樣有各種場景設計 各種圖形報告和監控,只需乙個命令即可,有輸出描述 可以簡單的進行一些壓力...


ab是apache自帶的http壓力測試工具,全稱是apachebench 路徑為 apache bin ab.exe 引數文件 例 ab n 10 c 10 其中 n代表請求數,c代表併發數 結果如下 d apache bin ab n 10 c 10 以上是輸入的命令 benchmarking ...