(1)、jupyter notebook安裝
pip install jupyter notebook(2)、whoosh安裝jupyter notebook命令在相應的目錄下啟動即可
pip install whoosh(3)、jieba分詞器安裝----->目前最火最叼的中文分詞器
pip install jieba
import pandas as pd
data = [,,,
]frame = pd.dataframe(data)
from whoosh.fields import schema, text, id
from jieba.analyse import chineseanalyzer
# jieba中文分詞器
analyzer = chineseanalyzer()
schema = schema(t=id(stored=true, unique=true),
d1=text(stored=true, analyzer=analyzer),
import os.path
from whoosh.index import create_in
# 建立索引的路徑,也就是存放的位置
index_path = '/home/sjp/gitproject/test_data'
if not os.path.exists(index_path):
ix = create_in(index_path, schema)
from whoosh import index
index_path = '/home/sjp/gitproject/tests/test_data'
ix = index.open_dir(index_path)
with ix.writer() as writer:
for _, row in frame.iterrows():
elements =
# 我用的是update,後期可以更新
後記:正所謂先把程式跑起來,再去看文件做優化,這才是最快的學習方式------>自我觀點。from whoosh.qparser import multifieldparser, operatorsplugin
from whoosh import query
ix = index.open_dir(index_path)
# multifieldparser這個是多字段查詢
query_parser = multifieldparser(['t', 'd1', 'd2'], schema=ix.schema)
# query_parser.add_plugin(fuzzytermplugin()) 這個是支援模糊查詢
search_pattern = query_parser.parse(u'國')
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
# 介個是limit=none是查詢所有
result = searcher.search(search_pattern, limit=20)
# 介個是支援分頁查詢
# result = searcher.search_page(search_pattern, 1, pagelen=20)
for _ in result:
print _.values()
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