jsDoc jsDoc學習記錄

2021-10-04 04:37:10 字數 2004 閱讀 9597


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1. 常用

*@file 這是檔案描述

*@summary 描述的簡要概括

*@author 作者

*@version 版本

*@license 許可證


* 在開頭可以省略@description,直接寫描述

* @description 後面追加的描述會覆蓋前文



* @example usage example

* var h = sayhello();

* console.log(h);



/** constructor */




* @param somebody - someone you want to say hello to. // 普通寫法

* @param somebody='john' - someone you want to say hello to. // 帶預設值

* @param [somebody] - someone you want to say hello to. // 可選引數

* @param somebody - someone you want to say hello to. // 多型別

* @param somebody - someone you want to say hello to. // 任意型別

* @param somebody - someone you want to say hello to. // 可重複





* @namespace

* @property defaults - the default values for parties.

* @property defaults.players - the default number of players.

* @property defaults.level - the default level for the party.

* @property defaults.treasure - the default treasure.

* @property defaults.treasure.gold - how much gold the party starts with.

*/var config =}}




*@typedef numberlike








2. 其他






jsdoc yourfile.js

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