echo -n "do you want to change your $counter?[y or n]:"
read ans
if [ "$ans" = "y" ] || [ "$ans" = "y" ] ; then
echo "please enter your number:"
read value
expr $value + 10 >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? != 0 ] || [ $value = "" ] ;then
echo "you enter illegal digit!"
exit 1
ficounter=`expr $counter + $value`
echo "the new counter is $counter !"
echo "i don't wish to change counters."
exit 1
fi[root@localhost home]# ./ifcounter.sh
do you want to change your 100?[y or n]:n
i don't wish to change counters.
[root@localhost home]# ./ifcounter.sh
do you want to change your 100?[y or n]:y
please enter your number:
ssdyou enter illegal digit!
[root@localhost home]# ./ifcounter.sh
do you want to change your 100?[y or n]:y
please enter your number:
3the new counter is 103 !
注意點:if [ "$ans" = "y" ] || [ "$ans" = "y" ],中括號前後要有空格,=號前後也要有空格
使用場景 計數器用來統計乙個 被訪問的次數,當使用者訪問一次計數器增加一次,但是無論如何重新整理頁面,計數器的值都不會再次增加,只有重新開啟才會發生變化。關鍵技術 session變數控制重複計數的的原理如下 在當前頁面被訪問時,初始化乙個session變數,判斷session變數的值是否為空,如果為...
Python學習 對輸入的數字進行排序
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Python 對輸入的數字進行排序的方法
要求,輸入一串數字,並以列表的形式列印出來。number input 請輸入一串數字 print number print type number www.cppcns.com 假設輸入12345,得到結果如下 請輸入一串數字 12345 12345 程式設計客棧 程式設計客棧str 可以看出,變數...