
2021-10-02 08:24:48 字數 1485 閱讀 3408

在乙個排序的鍊錶中,存在重複的結點,請刪除該鍊錶中重複的結點,重複的結點不保留,返回煉表頭指標。 例如,鍊錶1->2->3->3->4->4->5 處理後為 1->2->5


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# class listnode:

# def __init__(self, x):

# self.val = x

# self.next = none

class solution:

def deleteduplication(self, phead):

# write code here

if not phead:

return phead

notreapet = {}

p = phead

while p:

if p.val not in notreapet:

notreapet[p.val] = 1


notreapet[p.val] += 1

p = p.next

temp = newhead = listnode(-1)

p = phead

while p:

if notreapet[p.val] == 1:

temp.next = listnode(p.val)

temp = temp.next

p = p.next

return newhead.next

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# class listnode:

# def __init__(self, x):

# self.val = x

# self.next = none

class solution:

def deleteduplication(self, phead):

# write code here

if not phead:

return phead

newhead = listnode(-1)

newhead.next = phead

last = newhead

cur = phead

while cur and cur.next:

if cur.val != cur.next.val:

cur = cur.next

last = last.next


val = cur.val

while cur and cur.val == val:

cur = cur.next

last.next = cur

return newhead.next


題目描述 在乙個排序的鍊錶中,存在重複的結點,請刪除該鍊錶中重複的結點,重複的結點不保留,返回煉表頭指標。例如,鍊錶1 2 3 3 4 4 5 處理後為 1 2 5。刪除鍊錶中重複的結點 author 過路的守望 public class duplicationnode 新建乙個節點指向頭結點 li...


在乙個排序的鍊錶中,存在重複的結點,請刪除該鍊錶中重複的結點,重複的結點不保留,返回煉表頭指標。例如,鍊錶1 2 3 3 4 4 5 處理後為 1 2 5 解法一 遞迴 public class listnode public class solution if phead.next.val phe...


在乙個排序的鍊錶中,存在重複的結點,請刪除該鍊錶中重複的結點,重複的結點不保留,返回煉表頭指標。例如,鍊錶1 2 3 3 4 4 5 處理後為 1 2 5 題目分析 刪除鍊錶中的結點要比較當前結點是否與前面結點和後面結點相同,只有兩個都不同的結點才保留。用pre儲存前乙個節點,cur儲存當前結點,c...