LeetCode 1324 豎直列印單詞

2021-10-02 07:24:36 字數 2590 閱讀 5615

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給你乙個字串 s。請你按照單詞在 s 中的出現順序將它們全部豎直返回。



示例 1:

輸入:s = "how are you"






示例 2:

輸入:s = "to be or not to be"

輸出:["tbontb","oerooe","   t"]




"   t"

示例 3:

輸入:s = "contest is coming"

輸出:["cic","oso","n m","t i","e n","s g","t"]

1 <= s.length <= 200

s 僅含大寫英文本母。


5316. print words vertically

example 1:

input: s = "how are you"

output: ["hay","oro","weu"]

explanation: each word is printed vertically.




example 2:

input: s = "to be or not to be"

output: ["tbontb","oerooe"," t"]

explanation: trailing spaces is not allowed.



" t"

example 3:

input: s = "contest is coming"

output: ["cic","oso","n m","t i","e n","s g","t"]


my answer:

class solution:

def printvertically(self, s: str) -> list[str]:

word_list = s.split(' ')

# 找到最長單詞的長度

maxlen = len(word_list[0])

flag_word = word_list[0] # 標記最長的單詞

index = 0

for i in range(len(word_list)):

if len(word_list[i]) > maxlen:

maxlen = len(word_list[i])

flag_word = word_list[i]

index = i

# 給最長的單詞前邊的單詞 補充空格在後面

new_list =

for i in range(len(word_list)):

if word_list[i] != flag_word and i != index:

new_word = word_list[i] + ' '*(maxlen-len(word_list[i]))


results =

for i in range(maxlen):

temp =

for word in new_list:

result = ''.join(temp)

new_results =

for word in results:

new_word = word.rstrip() # 去掉右側空格

return new_results


class solution:

def printvertically(self, s: str) -> list[str]:

s = s.split(' ')

max_l = 0

for w in s:

max_l = max(max_l, len(w))

r = [ for i in range(max_l)]

for w in s:

for i in range(max_l):

if i < len(w):


rr =

for x in r:

return rr

1324 豎直列印單詞(模擬)

1.問題描述 給你乙個字串 s。請你按照單詞在 s 中的出現順序將它們全部豎直返回。單詞應該以字串列表的形式返回,必要時用空格補位,但輸出尾部的空格需要刪除 不允許尾隨空格 每個單詞只能放在一列上,每一列中也只能有乙個單詞。示例 1 輸入 s how are you 輸出 hay oro weu 解...

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