mysql 三表查詢

2021-10-02 00:17:01 字數 959 閱讀 5134




use exercise0107;-- 資料庫的名稱

-- 第一步查詢語文,數學的課程號

select cid from course where cname="語文";

select cid from course where cname="數學";

-- 第二步分別查詢每個人的語文成績與數學成績 並給予名稱 tempchinese tempmath

select * from sc where (select cid from course where cname="語文") ;

select * from sc where (select cid from course where cname="數學") ;

-- 第三步聯合學生表查出數學成績小於語文成績的學生姓名

select student.sname from student,

(select * from sc where (select cid from course where cname="語文") ) as tempchinese,

(select * from sc where (select cid from course where cname="數學") ) as tempmath

where tempchinese.sid=student.sid and

tempchinese.sid=tempmath.sid and



select d.userid,d.userphonum,a.orderid,a.producttype,b.courseid,b.coursename,c.payje from bskgk.order info detail a join bskgk.course info b on

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