畢設使用的函式,記錄一下方便回憶help mapminmax
mapminmax map matrix row minimum and maximum values to [-1 1].
[y,settings] = mapminmax(x) takes a matrix and returns it transformed
with the settings used to perform the transform.
here random data with non-standard ranges in each row is transformed.
x1 = [rand(1,20)*5-1; rand(1,20)*20-10; rand(1,20)-1];
[y1,settings] = mapminmax(x1)
x2 = [rand(1,20)*5-1; rand(1,20)*20-10; rand(1,20)-1];
mapminmax.reverse(y,settings) reverse transforms y consistent with
settings returned by a previous transformation.
//[train_matrix,ps] = mapminmax(train_matrix');
其中train_matrix是對進行某種規範化後得到的資料,這種規範化的對映記錄在結構體ps中。ps中包含對映前的矩陣中的最大值與最小值,以及對映後的矩陣最大值與最小值資訊。 Matlab 在Matlab中如何畫圓
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