對編譯、執行簡單研究下1) make build[root@localhost vpp-18.07]# make
make targets:
install-dep - install software dependencies
wipe - wipe all products of debug build
wipe-release - wipe all products of release build
build - build debug binaries
build-release - build release binaries
build-coverity - build coverity artifacts
rebuild - wipe and build debug binares
rebuild-release - wipe and build release binares
run - run debug binary
run-release - run release binary
debug - run debug binary with debugger
debug-release - run release binary with debugger
test - build and run (basic) functional tests
test-debug - build and run (basic) functional tests (debug build)
test-all - build and run (all) functional tests
test-all-debug - build and run (all) functional tests (debug build)
test-shell - enter shell with test environment
test-shell-debug - enter shell with test environment (debug build)
test-wipe - wipe files generated by unit tests
retest - run functional tests
retest-debug - run functional tests (debug build)
test-help - show help on test framework
run-vat - run vpp-api-test tool
pkg-deb - build deb packages
pkg-rpm - build rpm packages
dpdk-install-dev - install dpdk development packages
ctags - (re)generate ctags database
gtags - (re)generate gtags database
cscope - (re)generate cscope database
checkstyle - check coding style
fixstyle - fix coding style
doxygen - (re)generate documentation
bootstrap-doxygen - setup doxygen dependencies
wipe-doxygen - wipe all generated documentation
test-doc - generate documentation for test framework
test-wipe-doc - wipe documentation for test framework
test-cov - generate code coverage report for test framework
test-wipe-cov - wipe code coverage report for test framework
test-checkstyle - check pep8 compliance for test framework
make arguments:
v=[0|1] - set build verbosity level
startup_conf=- startup configuration file
(e.g. /etc/vpp/startup.conf)
startup_dir=- startup drectory (e.g. /etc/vpp)
it also sets startup_conf if
startup.conf file is present
gdb=- gdb binary to use for debugging
platform=- target platform. default is vpp
dpdk_config=- add specified dpdk config commands to
autogenerated startup.conf
(e.g. "no-pci" )
sample_plugin=yes - in addition build/run/debug sample plugin
disabled_plugins=- comma separated list of plugins which
should not be loaded
current argument values:
v =
startup_conf =
startup_dir = /root/***/vpp-18.07
gdb = gdb
platform = vpp
dpdk_version =
dpdk_config =
sample_plugin = no
disabled_plugins =
[root@localhost vpp-18.07]#
make -c /root/***/vpp-18.07/build-root platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-install
make run
-c dir表示,到該目錄下讀取makefile綜上所述:
直接進入到 vpp-18.07/build-root 目錄下
make platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-clean
make platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-wipe
make platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-build
make platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-install
vpp-install --> vpp-build —> vpp-configure --> vpp-find-source道友可以使用makefile的除錯慢慢對這些目標操作操作,看看具體都幹了些什麼。
make platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-build -n --debug -p --warn-undefined-variables三個最適合用來除錯的命令列選項:
cd vpp-18.07/build-root
make platform=vpp tag=vpp_debug vpp-build -n
# -n 只列印過程,不實際執行。列印資訊比較多這裡就不貼上了,
最近在虛擬機器上搞vpp的編譯安裝,遇到很多問題,先記錄下來。vpp編譯一定要聯網,切記!不聯網的話乙個個的依賴包會讓你懷疑人生的。1.原始碼獲取 git clone 獲取當前最新 2.安裝各種軟體依賴包 原始碼獲取後,假設放在 home目錄下 cd home vpp 3.清除之前編譯殘留 如果是第...
vpp的dpo機制跟路由緊密結合在一起。路由表查詢 ip4 lookup 的最後結果是乙個load balance t結構。該結構可以看做是乙個hash表,裡面包含了很多dpo,指向為下一步處理動作。每個dpo都是新增路由時的乙個path的結果。dpo標準型別有 dpo drop,dpo ip nu...
4 VPP原始碼分析(graph node 2
每個process結點是由jump機制構成的乙個協程,協程主要用於等待 處理事件。使用longjmp setjmp的輕量級多工協程,由應用程序自行進行排程,不受作業系統排程機制的影響,上下文切換只損耗呼叫longjmp setjmp的時間。協程中執行的函式類似於執行緒函式,區別在於協程函式can b...