K3WISE老單序時簿開發示例 增加功能性按鈕

2021-10-01 16:00:13 字數 1221 閱讀 7473


public sub mainfunction(byval skey as string, olist as object, byref bcancel as boolean)

dim sqlcode as string

dim finterid as long

dim fentryid as long

if skey = "hmprint" then

olist.multiselect = 2


dim selinterid as kfo.vector

dim selentryid as kfo.vector

set selinterid = olist.getseldata("finterid")

set selentryid = olist.getseldata("fentryid")

if selinterid.ubound > 0 then

dim hrwt as string

dim hrwtime as double

hrwt = inputbox("請輸工時數值", "請輸工時數值", "0")

if isnumeric(hrwt) then

hrwtime = round(cdbl(hrwt), 2)

for i = selinterid.lbound to selinterid.ubound

finterid = selinterid(i).getvalue("finterid")

fentryid = selentryid(i).getvalue("fentryid")

sqlcode = "update icmorptentry set ftimehrwork=" & hrwtime & " where finterid=" & finterid & " and fentryid=" & fentryid

obj.execute3 (sqlcode)

next i

msgbox "人工實作工時 批量更新成功!", vbokonly, "金蝶提示"

sendkeys ("")


msgbox "請輸入數值!", vbokonly, "金蝶提示"

end if

end if

end if

end sub

金碟K3 WISE 表結構

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先說下金蝶老單是新單的區別 金蝶是有著20多年的歷史,金蝶軟體是多年的積澱,軟體也經常更新,但是原有的 框架是不變的,因此,現在的金蝶wise,實際上用的還是已經淘汰的語言vb寫的,底層的框架也都是十幾年前落後的。金蝶也有新語言寫的,比如cloud,但wise至少不是。老單與新單,應該是金蝶bos功...