-- 建立新錶
create table article(
id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
author_id int unsigned not null,
category_id int unsigned not null,
views int unsigned not null,
comments int unsigned not null,
title varchar(255) not null,
content text not null
)character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
insert into article(`author_id`,`category_id`,`views`,`comments`,`title`,`content`) values
explain select * from article where category_id=1 and comments>1 order by views desc limit 1;
type 為 all,且出現檔案內排序(using filesort),也沒有索引(沒建)
-- 建立索引
create index idx_article_views on article(`views`);
-- 再分析
explain select * from article where category_id=1 and comments>1 order by views desc limit 1;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: ******
table: article
partitions: null
type: index
possible_keys: null
key: idx_article_views
key_len: 4
ref: null
rows: 1
filtered: 33.33
extra: using where; backward index scan
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
-- 刪除索引
drop index idx_article_views on article;
backward index scan 是反向掃瞄,反向掃瞄的效能也是可以的
-- 建表
create table class(
id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
card int unsigned not null
)character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
create table book(
bookid int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
card int unsigned not null
)character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
-- 向兩個表中插入隨機資料,各插入20行資料
insert into class(card) values(round(rand()*100));
insert into book(`card`) values(round(rand()*100));
explain select * from class inner join book on class.card=book.card;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: ******
table: class
partitions: null
type: all
possible_keys: null
key: null
key_len: null
ref: null
rows: 20
filtered: 100.00
extra: null
*************************** 2. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: ******
table: book
partitions: null
type: all
possible_keys: null
key: null
key_len: null
ref: null
rows: 20
filtered: 10.00
extra: using where; using join buffer (block nested loop)
-- 建立索引
create index idx_cc on class(card);
explain select * from book left join class on class.card=book.card\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: ******
table: book
partitions: null
type: all
possible_keys: null
key: null
key_len: null
ref: null
rows: 20
filtered: 100.00
extra: null
*************************** 2. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: ******
table: class
partitions: null
type: ref
possible_keys: idx_cc
key: idx_cc
key_len: 4
ref: demo.book.card
rows: 1
filtered: 100.00
extra: using index
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
驅動表的概念,mysql中inner join指定了連線條件時,滿足查詢條件的記錄行數少的表為驅動表;如未指定查詢條件,則掃瞄行數少的為驅動表。
left join 寫在左邊的是驅動表,join後的是被驅動表
開發同學或多或少會遇到系統響應慢的問題,除了業務系統本身的問題外,常常會遇到sql查詢慢的問題,這篇文章結合實際案例分析mysql innodb儲存引擎的索引優化,這篇文章不會介紹b 樹的知識點,如果需要了解聚集索引和輔助索引特點的同學可以參考這篇文章,這篇文章主要會介紹三星索引和icp優化.首先是...
MySQL 索引優化案例
建表 create table article id int unsigned notnull primary keyauto increment author id int unsigned notnull category id int unsigned notnull views int un...
建表sql phone book表建立索引 1 保證被驅動表的join欄位已經被索引 被驅動表 join 後的表為被驅動表 需要被查詢 2 left join 時,選擇小表作為驅動表,大表作為被驅動表。但是 left join 時一定是左邊是驅動表,右邊是被驅動表 3 inner join 時,my...