postgres=# drop extension bloom;
psql: error: cannot drop extension bloom because other objects depend on it
detail: index idxbloom_t2 depends on operator class int4_ops for access method bloom
index idx_t1 depends on operator class int4_ops for access method bloom
hint: use drop … cascade to drop the dependent objects too.
postgres=# drop extension bloom cascade;
psql: notice: drop cascades to 2 other objects
detail: drop cascades to index idxbloom_t2
drop cascades to index idx_t1
drop extension
postgres=# create extension
adminpack btree_gist dict_xsyn hstore isn pageinspect pg_prewarm pg_visibility tablefunc unaccent
amcheck citext earthdistance insert_username lo pg_buffercache pgrowlocks postgres_fdw tcn
autoinc cube file_fdw intagg ltree pgcrypto pg_stat_statements refint tsm_system_rows
btree_gin dict_int fuzzystrmatch intarray moddatetime pg_freespacemap pgstattuple seg tsm_system_time
直接create extension bloom即可
postgres=# create extension bloom;
create extension
postgres-# \dx
list of installed extensions
bloom|1.0|public|bloom access method - signature file based index
dblink|1.2|public|connect to other postgresql databases from within a database
pg_trgm|1.4|public|text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
plpgsql|1.0|pg_catalog|pl/pgsql procedural language
(4 rows)
vim外掛程式安裝 如何安裝Vim外掛程式
vim外掛程式安裝 儘管vim快速高效,但預設情況下,它只是乙個文字編輯器。至少,這就是沒有外掛程式的情況,外掛程式基於vim並新增了額外的功能,使其不僅具有鍵入文字的視窗,還具有更多的功能。正確搭配各種外掛程式,您可以掌控自己的生活,並打造自己獨特的vim體驗。您可以自定義主題 還可以新增語法突出...
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