1.1)建立role create role "yfkj" createdb;
1.2) 建立schema create schema if not exists fiproduct_v_$;
1.3) 給 schema 賦權 grant usage on schema uorders_v_$ to yfkj with grant option;
1.4)function 給表賦權 :
1.5)給表賦權具體 select grant_on_all_tables('uorders_v_$','yfkj','select');create or replace function "public"."grant_on_all_tables"(in schemas text, in usr text, in select_or_insert text) returns setof "text"
as $body$
r record ;
grantstmt text;
for r in select * from pg_class pc, pg_namespace nsp
where pc.relnamespace = nsp.oid and pc.relkind='v' and nsp.nspname = schemas
grantstmt = 'grant '||quote_ident(select_or_insert)||' on "'|| quote_ident(schemas) || '".' || quote_ident(r.relname)|| ' to "' || quote_ident(usr) || '"';
execute grantstmt;
return next grantstmt;
end loop;
language plpgsql
撤銷許可權問題:drop view if exists "fiproduct_v_$"."aa_billhistory";
create view "fiproduct_v_$"."aa_billhistory" as
select * from "fiproduct"."aa_billhistory" t1,
( select id as ids from "fiproduct"."tenant"
where tenantcenter_id='$') t_id
where t1.tenant_id=t_id.ids;
2.1) 撤銷使用者在資料庫級別的許可權 revoke all on database databasename from username;
2.2)撤銷所有在schem 中的許可權 revoke all on schema schema1,schema2 from username;
2.3)撤銷使用者在table 上的許可權 select 'revoke all on '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||' from username cascade; ' from
where grantee='username';
2.4)撤銷使用者在function 許可權 revoke all on function schemaname.functionname from username;
2.5)移除使用者角色 drop role if exists username;
2.6)判斷角色是否存在:select * from gp_toolkit.gp_roles_assigned where rarolename = 'username'
使用者角色分類 none 無法登入控制台 不能訪問 management plugin,通常就是普通的生產者和消費者。management 普通管理者。僅可登陸管理控制台 啟用management plugin的情況下 無法看到節點資訊,也無法對policies進行管理。使用者可以通過amqp做的任...
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1.在ubuntu上安裝mysql sudo apt get install mysql server sudo apt get install mysql client 2.安裝結束後,用命令驗證是否安裝並啟動成功 sudo netstat tap grep mysql 通過上述命令檢查之後,如果...
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