心裡覺得大家都用int unsigned int 這些標準結構不就好了。各個編譯器都支援。
後來做了一些別的專案,接觸 了32位平台,64位平台,嵌入式,windows平台…就發現**的移植性太差了。
typedef a b其中a是一種已經已經定義的型別,b是我們要新增的定義。
typedef a b即a可以用b也可以用c來表示。typedef a c
typedef a b即a可以用b表示,b可以用c表示typedef b c
這是3個操作,但是編譯器有時會優化掉前兩條,直接跑a=3,如果需要都執行,就需要宣告volatile。a = 1;
a = 2;
a = 3;
typedef用法#ifndef typedefs_h
#define typedefs_h
#define __std_c99
/* note: 為了避免與系統定義的types衝突, 我們統一採用大寫字母開頭的組合, 不帶字尾 _t
* 若帶有volatile關鍵字的, 用小寫v開頭, 後續部分採用一致定義.
* 對volatile的書寫不做強制要求, 寫成vuint32/vuint32/volatile uint32/volatile uint32均可
* * 對於無符號數, uint32/vuint32 uint32/vuint32 均支援.
* * 特別注意int8型別和char型別的區分, c++ 不允許signed char 或 unsigned char 與 char 的相互強換.
*/#ifdef __std_c99__
#include /* using iso c99 standard */
typedef volatile int8_t vint8;
typedef volatile uint8_t vuint8;
typedef volatile uint8_t vuint8;
typedef volatile int16_t vint16;
typedef volatile uint16_t vuint16;
typedef volatile uint16_t vuint16;
typedef volatile int32_t vint32;
typedef volatile uint32_t vuint32;
typedef volatile uint32_t vuint32;
typedef volatile int64_t vint64;
typedef volatile uint64_t vuint64;
typedef volatile uint64_t vuint64;
/* * c++規定 char / unsigned char / signed char 為3種不同型別
* 字串預設是(char *)型別, 無法強轉為(signed char *)型別
* 為了相容這個特性, 特意封裝了char型別, 用於描述字串和字元
*/ typedef int8_t int8;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef int64_t int64;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
#else /* 不支援c99標準, 即無法包含*/
typedef signed char int8;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef signed short int16;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef signed int int32;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef signed long long int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef volatile signed char vint8;
typedef volatile unsigned char vuint8;
typedef volatile unsigned char vuint8;
typedef volatile signed short vint16;
typedef volatile unsigned short vuint16;
typedef volatile unsigned short vuint16;
typedef volatile signed int vint32;
typedef volatile unsigned int vuint32;
typedef volatile unsigned int vuint32;
typedef volatile signed long long vint64;
typedef volatile unsigned long long vuint64;
typedef volatile unsigned long long vuint64;
typedef char char;
typedef void void;
typedef float float;
typedef double double;
#endif //typedefs_h
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