注意不要使用srtp-1.4.4, 因為這個版本遺漏了libjingle所使用的一些extensions
如果你的expat和srtp包在其他位置或者名稱不一樣, 需要對應地修改talk/libjingle.scons
//must come before ks.h
//for pkey_audioendpoint_guid
for windows sockets 1.1. the declarations
in the winsock.h header file will conflict with the declarations
in the winsock2.h header file required by windows sockets 2.0. the win32_lean_and_mean macro prevents the winsock.h from being included by the windows.h header.
so, please add:
before "#include ". this will tell the compiler to ignore all winsock 1.1 definitions within windows.h.
13. found
out which version of atlbase.h the compiler was utilizing (in my
case, because of the path that i
set, the version i used was at c:\program files\microsoft platform sdk\include\atl. edit that file and comment
out the line #pragma comment(lib, "atlthunk.lib") which was on or around line 293.
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