結果:import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
x_data = np.random.rand(100)
y_data = x_data*0.1 + 0.2
b = tf.variable(0.)
k = tf.variable(0.)
y = k*x_data + b
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_data - y))
optimizer = tf.train.gradientdescentoptimizer(0.2)
train = optimizer.minimize(loss)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.session() as sess:
for step in range(201):
if step%20 == 0:
tensorflow 1 共享變數
共享變數 reuse variables example1 with tf.variable scope try 先建立兩個變數w1,w2 w2 tf.get variable w1 shape 2,3,4 dtype tf.float32 w3 tf.get variable w2 shape 2...
神經網路 tensorflow 1
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np create data x data np.random.rand 100 astype np.float32 在tensorflow中大部分的資料的資料型別都是float32 y data x data 0.1 ...
tensorflow 1 完整的反向傳播神經網路
生成模擬資料集 from numpy.random import randomstate 定義訓練資料batch的大小 batch size 8 定義神經網路的引數 w1 tf.variable tf.random normal 2,3 stddev 1,seed 1 w2 tf.variable ...