|+--- makelists.txt
|+--- config.h.in
|+--- main.cpp
|+--- math/
|+--- makelists.txt
|+--- mathfunction.cpp
|+--- mathfunction.h
2、根目錄中的config.h.in,用來配置**中的配置選項# cmake 最低版本號要求
cmake_minimum_required (version 2.8)
# 專案資訊
project (demo5)
configure_file (
option (use_mymath "use provided math implementation" on)
if (use_mymath)
include_directories ("$/math")
add_subdirectory (math)
set (extra_libs $ mathfunction)
endif (use_mymath)
#查詢當前目錄下所有原始檔 並將名稱儲存到dir_srcs變數中
aux_source_directory(. dir_srcs)
add_executable(demo5 $)
target_link_libraries(demo5 $)
# 指定安裝路徑
install (targets demo5 destination bin)
install (files "$/config.h" destination include)
# 啟用測試
# 測試 5 的平方
add_test (test_5_2 demo5 5 2)
set_tests_properties (test_5_2
properties pass_regular_expression "is 100")
#cmakedefine use_mymath
4、math目錄中的makelists.txt#include #include #include "config.h"
#ifdef use_mymath
#include "mathfunction.h"
#include #endif
int main(int argc, char *ar**)
double base = atof(ar**[1]);
int exponent = atoi(ar**[2]);
#ifdef use_mymath
double result = power(base, exponent);
printf(" use my math %g ^ %d is %g\n", base, exponent, result);
double result = pow(base, exponent);
printf(" use standard math %g ^ %d is %g\n", base, exponent, result);
return 0;
5、math目錄中的mathfunction.cpp# 查詢當前目錄下的所有原始檔
# 並將名稱儲存到 dir_lib_srcs 變數
aux_source_directory(. dir_lib_srcs)
# 生成鏈結庫
add_library (mathfunction $)
install (targets mathfunction destination bin)
install (files mathfunction.h destination include)
* power - calculate the power of number.
* @param base: base value.
* @param exponent: exponent value.
* * @return base raised to the power exponent.
*/#include "mathfunction.h"
double power(double base, int exponent)
for(i = 1; i < exponent; ++i)
return result;
#ifndef _mathfunction_h_
#define _mathfunction_h_
double power(double base, int exponent);
cmake minimum required version 3.0 project main include directories include 設定為cmmakelists.txt所在的路徑為標頭檔案搜尋路徑 link dirctories lib add executable main m...
CMake 簡單教程
sudo add apt repository ppa george edison55 cmake 3.x sudo apt get update sudo apt get install cmake更多變數查詢位址 project的名稱 project caffe framework 最低版本限制...
工具 cmake教程
檔名稱 cmakelists.txt 檔案內容 乙個總工程的根目錄 宣告要求的 cmake 最低版本 cmake minimum required version 2.8 宣告乙個 cmake 工程 project robotics 設定編譯模式 set cmake build type debug...