yum install tor -y
yum install make automake gcc python-pip python-devel libyaml-devel
pip install obfsproxy
git clone
go build -o obfs4proxy/obfs4proxy ./obfs4proxy
cp ./obfs4proxy/obfs4proxy /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
vim /etc/tor/torrc
log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log
runasdaemon 1
orport 4443
exitpolicy reject *:*
bridgerelay 1
servertransportplugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
extorport auto
publishserverdescriptor 0
systemctl restart tor
systemctl status tor
tail -f /var/log/tor/notices.log
注意:記住輸出中 obfs4 監聽的埠(本例中是 46396)。並且還能找到你的 server identity fingerprint(本例中是 530fa95a79b9145d315f15f01215be2f3be921eb),也複製下來。[notice] your tor server's identity key fingerprint is 'unnamed 530fa95a79b9145d315f15f01215be2f3be921eb'
[notice] your tor bridge's hashed identity key fingerprint is 'unnamed 83d1ac9ec2f15d7024278461dc91a8b2e9bbf43a'
[notice] registered server transport 'obfs4' at '[::]:46396'
[notice] tor has successfully opened a circuit. looks like client functionality is working.
[notice] now checking whether orport :4443 is reachable... (this may take up to 20 minutes -- look for log messages indicating success)
[notice] self-testing indicates your orport is reachable from the outside. excellent.
bridge obfs4 :cert=og6a3k7cteariloup2ocuk60onmgw+jvgcnhgummkods659uegrrx7yxzuoeo9crp9ggxg iat-mode=0
obfs4 :46396 530fa95a79b9145d315f15f01215be2f3be921eb cert=6lmncxh6mifapbzimksns4kj+2sffz5pybsqtcoo5yohgfrmpkbjqvlxhur2ppau0l2seg iatmode=0
vim /etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml
內容如下(本例orport埠 => 4443, obfs4埠 => 46396):
firewall-cmd --complete-reload
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