QTP的那些事 執行用例後提交bug到QC中

2021-09-22 08:51:32 字數 1492 閱讀 8969






function connectqc(url,projectname,username,password,buginfo())


dim tdconnection

set tdconnection = createobject("tdapiole.tdconnection")

tdconnection.initconnection url' url for the db

tdconnection.connectproject projectname,username,password ' valid login information '登陸qc的工程名,使用者和密碼


if tdconnection.connected then

msgbox("connected to " + chr (13) + "server " + tdconnection.servername _

+ chr (13) +"project " + tdconnection.projectname )


msgbox("not connected")


'get the ibugfactory 得到建立bug的物件

set bugfactory = tdconnection.bugfactory

'add a new empty bug

set bug = bugfactory.additem (nothing)

'fill the bug with relevant parameters


buginfo=new array(5)

bug.status = buginfo(0)

bug.summary = buginfo(1)

bug.priority = buginfo(2) ' depends on the db

bug.assignedto = buginfo(3) ' user that must exist in the db's users list

bug.detectedby = buginfo(4) ' user that must exist in the db's users list

'post the bug to database (commit)


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