
2021-09-21 14:49:22 字數 1384 閱讀 2911

create resource queue g1 with (active_statements=10,


create resource queue g1 with (active_statements=10)//建立資源佇列活躍sql為10

select * from pg_resqueue;//檢視資源列隊

create resource queue g2 with (max_cost=1000000.0);


create resource queue g3 with (active_statements=10,

min_cost=100.0); //建立資源列隊: 設定:允許小查詢繞過列隊限制

create resource queue g4 with (active_statements=3, priority=max);

//建立資源列隊: 設定:優先順序最高的一組列隊(可以獲得更多cpu資源)

select rolname, rsqname from pg_roles, gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status

where pg_roles.rolresqueue=gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status.queueid;


select * from pg_stat_activity //檢視活躍sql語句

select pg_terminate_backend(12584) //關閉sql語句

create resource queue g5 with (active_statements=20,

min_cost=1000000000, memory_limit=『40gb』)

alter role root resource queue g1; //分配角色給資源列隊

select * from gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status; //檢測資源列隊狀態

alter role greenplum resource queue none; //從資源列隊中移除角色

select * from gp_toolkit.gp_locks_on_resqueue where


alter resource queue g5 with ( active_statements=1);


select * from pg_stat_resqueues;

select * from gp_toolkit.gp_resq_priority_statement; //檢測資源列隊狀態


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