
2021-09-21 09:02:08 字數 1708 閱讀 7848

press ctrl+b to enter bootrom menu ... //重啟裝置按下ctrl+b組合鍵,進入bootrom模式

password: //此處需要鍵入進入bootrom的密碼,密碼預設為admin@huawei.com或者


bootrom  menu

1. boot with default mode

2. enter serial submenu

3. enter startup submenu

4. enter ethernet submenu

5. enter filesystem submenu

6. modify bootrom password

7. clear password for console user

8. reboot

enter your choice(1-8): 7 //進入7,選擇清除console使用者密碼模式

note: clear password for console user? yes or no(y/n): y //鍵入y確認清除密碼

clear password for console user successfully. choose "1" to boot, then set a new password. //清除密碼成功,選擇1來啟動裝置,在啟動時會提示輸入密碼

note: do not choose "8. reboot" or power off the device, otherwise this operation will not take effect. //請不要選擇8來重啟裝置或者關閉電源,否則操作無效

bootrom  menu

1. boot with default mode

2. enter serial submenu

3. enter startup submenu

4. enter ethernet submenu

5. enter filesystem submenu

6. modify bootrom password

7. clear password for console user

8. reboot

enter your choice(1-8): 1 //鍵入1啟動預設模式


vrp_root begin...

vrp_initializetask begin...

init the device link.............ok

cfg_planeinit begin..............ok

cfm_init begin...................ok

cli_cmdinit begin................ok

vrp_regestalllinkcmd begin.......ok

create task begin................

task init begin...

recover configuration...ok!

press enter to get started.

please configure the login password (6-16)

enter password: //裝置啟動後,設定新密碼即可


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DHCP 交換機密碼破解

設定位址池外的位址 router config ip dhcp excluded address dhcp位址池排除的位址 上面代表位址段 200 253 單獨輸入乙個位址是單獨排除位址設定位址池的位址router config ip dhcp...


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