aaaauthentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
domain default_admin
local-user *** password cipher ***
local-user *** privilege level 3
local-user *** service-type ssh
undo local-user admin
#stelnet server enable
ssh user ***
ssh user *** authentication-type password
ssh user *** service-type stelnet
#user-inte***ce maximum-vty 15
user-inte***ce con 0
authentication-mode password
set authentication password cipher ***
idle-timeout 5 0
user-inte***ce vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa
user privilege level 15
history-command max-size 20
idle-timeout 5 0
screen-length 0
protocol inbound ssh
user-inte***ce vty 5 14
進入user-inte***ce vty 0 4
protocol inbound ssh
改為protocol inbound all
再改回protocol inbound ssh
1 建立本地金鑰對 core sw rsa local key pair create the key name will be core sw host the range of public key size is 512 2048 notes if the key modulus is gre...
裝置 s5700 huawei user inte ce vty 0 4進入虛擬終端 huawei ui vty0 4 authentication mode aaa認證模式aaa huawei ui vty0 4 protocol inbound ssh配置允許登入接入使用者型別的協議 all s...
華為交換機匯入配置 華為交換機通用配置方式方法
華為交換機通用配置方式方法 1,console口接入 專用的console線,一端連線交換機的console口,另一端連線電腦的串列埠,開啟電腦的超級終端進行 連入交換機後 交換機有預設使用者和密碼 出現提示符 2,遠端管理口位址配置 system view quidway inte ce meth...