輸入一棵二叉搜尋樹,將該二叉搜尋樹轉換成乙個排序的雙向鍊錶。要求不能建立任何新的結點,只能調整樹中結點指標的指向。# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# class randomlistnode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.label = x
# self.next = none
# self.random = none
class solution:
# 返回 randomlistnode
def clone(self, phead):
# write code here
if not phead:
return none
return self.reconnectlist(phead)
def clonenodes(self, phead):
pnode = phead
while pnode:
pcloned = randomlistnode(0)
pcloned.label = pnode.label
pcloned.next = pnode.next
pnode.next = pclond
pnode = pcloned.next
def clonerandom(self, phead):
pnode = phead
while pnode:
pcloned = pnode.next
if pcloned.random:
pcloned.random = pnode.random.next
pnode = pcloned.next
def reconnectlist(self, phead):
pnode = phead
pclonednode = pclonedhead = pnode.next
pnode.next = pclonednode.next
pnode = pnode.next
while pnode:
pclonednode.next = pnode.next
pclonednode = pclonednode.next
pnode.next = pclonenode.next
pnode = pnode.next
return pclonedhead
請實現兩個函式,分別用來序列化和反序列化二叉樹# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# class treenode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = none
# self.right = none
class solution:
def convert(self, prootoftree):
# write code here
if not prootoftree:
root = phead = prootoftree
while phead.left:
phead = phead.left
return phead
def convertcore(self, root):
if not root.left and not root.right:
if root.left:
prenode = root.left
while prenode.right:
prenode = prenode.right
prenode.right = root
root.left = prenode
if root.right:
nextnode = root.right
while nextnode.left:
nextnode = nextnode.left
nextnode.left = root
root.right = nextnode
輸入乙個字串,按字典序列印出該字串中字元的所有排列。例如輸入字串abc,則列印出由字元a,b,c所能排列出來的所有字串abc,acb,bac,bca,cab和cba。# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# class treenode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = none
# self.right = none
class solution:
def serialize(self, root):
# write code here
if not root:
return '#'
return str(root.val) + ',' +self.serialize(root.left) + ',' + self.serialize(root.right)
falg = -1
def deserialize(self, s):
self.flag += 1
treelist = s.split(',')
if self.flag >= len(s):
return none
root = none
if treelist[self.flag] != '#':
root = treenode(int(treelist[self.flag]))
root.left = self.deserialize(s)
root.right = self.deserialize(s)
return root
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
class solution:
def permutation(self, ss):
# write code here
if not ss:
if len(ss) == 1:
return list(ss)
res =
charlist = list(ss)
for i in range(len(charlist)):
if i > 0 and charlist[i] == charlist[i - 1]:
temp = self.permutation(''.join(charlist[:i]) + ''.join(charlist[i + 1:]))
for j in temp:
return res
劍指offer刷題記錄 分解讓複雜問題簡單
輸入乙個複雜鍊錶 每個節點中有節點值,以及兩個指標,乙個指向下乙個節點,另乙個特殊指標指向任意乙個節點 返回結果為複製後複雜鍊錶的head。注意,輸出結果中請不要返回引數中的節點引用,否則判題程式會直接返回空 由於該鍊錶不是普通的鍊錶,複製過程中還要對特殊指標進行複製,所以我們在原煉表上操作要分多次...
35 複雜鍊錶的複製( 分解讓複雜問題簡單)
題目描述 輸入乙個複雜鍊錶 每個節點中有節點值,以及兩個指標,乙個指向下乙個節點,另乙個特殊指標指向任意乙個節點 返回結果為複製後複雜鍊錶的head。注意,輸出結果中請不要返回引數中的節點引用,否則判題程式會直接返回空 測試用例 功能測試 節點中的random指向自身 兩個節點的random形成環狀...
(複雜問題分步驟)劍指 複雜鍊錶的複製
輸入乙個複雜鍊錶 每個節點中有節點值,以及兩個指標,乙個指向下乙個節點,另乙個特殊指標指向任意乙個節點 返回結果為複製後複雜鍊錶的head。注意,輸出結果中請不要返回引數中的節點引用,否則判題程式會直接返回空 占用記憶體 9400k public class randomlistnode publi...