刪除庫# 進入終端
beeline -u " jdbc:hive2: "
-n user
# 判斷是否存在並新增注釋
create database if not exists zxl_test comment 'hive_test'
;# 新增屬性
create database if not exists zxl_test with
# 描述庫
desc database zxl_test;
desc database extended zxl_test;
# 檢視建庫語句
show create database zxl_test;
表操作# 庫下無表,直接刪除
drop database dbname;
drop database if exists dbname;
# 庫下有表
方式2: drop database if exists zxl_test cascade;
檢視表# 內部表
create table student
(id int, name string, *** string, age int,department string) row format delimited fields terminated by ","
;# 外部表
create external table student_ext
(id int, name string, *** string, age int,department string) row format delimited fields terminated by "," location "/hive/student"
;# 分割槽表
create external table student_ptn
(id int, name string, *** string, age int,department string) partitioned by
(city string) row format delimited fields terminated by "," location "/hive/student_ptn"
;# 新增分割槽
alter table student_ptn add partition
create external table student_bck
(id int, name string, *** string, age int,department string) clustered by
(id) sorted by
(id asc, name desc) into 4 buckets row format delimited fields terminated by "," location "/hive/student_bck"
;# 匯入本地資料
load data local inpath "/data1/student.txt" into table student;
create table student_ctas as select *
from student where id <
# 複製表結構
create table student_copy like student;
修改表# 檢視庫下的表
show tables in zxl_test;
# 模糊匹配表名
show tables like '*dent*'
;# 檢視表結構
desc student;
desc extended student;
desc formatted student;
# 檢視分割槽資訊
show partitions student_ptn;
# 檢視建表語句
show create table student_ptn;
修改分割槽# 修改表名
alter table student rename to new_student;
# 增加字段
alter table new_student add columns
(score int)
;# 修改字段定義
alter table new_student change name new_name string;
# 替換所有字段
alter table new_student replace columns
(id int, name string, address string)
;# 替換可以用來刪除字段
alter table new_student replace columns
(id int, name string)
;# 刪除表
drop table new_student;
# 清空表
truncate table student_ptn;
hive函式# 靜態分割槽
alter table student_ptn add partition
# 動態分割槽 [內容直接插入到另一張表student_ptn_age中,並實現age為動態分割槽]
load data local inpath "/data1/student.txt" into table student_ptn partition
create table student_ptn_age
(id int,name string,*** string,department string) partitioned by
(age int)
;set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
insert overwrite table student_ptn_age partition
(age) select id,name,***,department,age from student_ptn;
# 刪除分割槽
alter table student_ptn drop partition
自定義函式udf# 檢視內建函式
show functions;
# 顯示函式的詳細資訊
desc function extended substr;
hive命令列udf(user-defined function)作用於單個資料行,產生乙個資料行作為輸出。(數學函式,字 符串函式)
udaf(使用者定義聚集函式 user- defined aggregation funcation):接收多個輸入資料行,並產 生乙個輸出資料行。(count,max)
udtf(**生成函式 user-defined table functions):接收一行輸入,輸出多行(explode)
shylin# hive -e sql語句 執行完退出終端
hive -e "select * from zxl_test.student"
;#hive -f sql檔名 執行完退出終端
select *
from zxl_test.student # test.sql內容
hive -f test.sql
# hive臨時設定
檢視屬性值: set 屬性名
臨時修改屬性值: set 屬性名 = 屬性值
啟動hadoop sbin start 啟動hive bin hive 建立表 create table table name col name data type comment col comment create table hive wordcount context stri...
筆者注 這裡安裝的版本為hive 0.13.1 注 表示可選 create database if not exists db hive use db hive drop database if exists db hive create table stu id int name string r...
Hive 3 Hive 基本使用
1 建立庫 create database if not exists mydb 2 檢視庫 show databases 3 切換資料庫 use mydb 4 建立表 create table if not exists t user id string,name string 或 create ...