2、設定視窗無邊框using unityengine;
using system.runtime.interopservices;
using system;
public static extern bool showwindow(system.intptr hwnd, int ncmdshow);
[dllimport("user32.dll", entrypoint = "getforegroundwindow")]
public static extern system.intptr getforegroundwindow();
public static extern intptr setwindowlong(intptr hwnd, int _nindex, int dwnewlong);
public static extern bool setwindowpos(intptr hwnd, int hwndafter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, uint uflags);
public const int cs_dropshadow = 0x20000;
public const int spi_setdropshadow = 0x1025;
public const int gcl_style = -26;
[dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto)]
public static extern int setclasslong(intptr hwnd, int nindex, int dwnewlong);
[dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto)]
public static extern int getclasslong(intptr hwnd, int nindex);
[dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto)]
public static extern int systemparametersinfo(int uaction, int uparam, bool lpvparam, int fuwinini);
[dllimport("gdi32.dll", entrypoint = "createroundrectrgn")]
private static extern intptr createroundrectrgn
( int nleftrect, // x-coordinate of upper-left corner
int ntoprect, // y-coordinate of upper-left corner
int nrightrect, // x-coordinate of lower-right corner
int nbottomrect, // y-coordinate of lower-right corner
int nwidthellipse, // height of ellipse
int nheightellipse // width of ellipse
public static extern int dwmextendframeintoclientarea(intptr hwnd, ref margins pmarinset);
public static extern int dwmsetwindowattribute(intptr hwnd, int attr, ref int attrvalue, int attrsize);
public static extern int dwmiscompositionenabled(ref int pfenabled);
private bool m_aeroenabled; // variables for box shadow
public struct margins // struct for box shadow
3、呼叫系統函式,設定視窗陰影(只能設定右下陰影)intptr hwnd = getforegroundwindow() ;
float windowwidth = 1024;
float windowheight = 768;
float posx = (screen.currentresolution.width - windowwidth) / 2;
float posy = (screen.currentresolution.height - windowheight) / 2;
rect rect = new rect(posx, posy, windowwidth, windowheight);
long wndstyle = 0;
wndstyle |= windowsmessage.ws_popup;
wndstyle &= ~windowsmessage.ws_caption;
setwindowlong(hwnd , gwl_style, ws_popup);
setwindowpos(hwnd , 0, (int)rect.x, (int)rect.y, (int)rect.width, (int)rect.height, swp_showwindow);
4、判斷window是否是處於aero模式windowstools.systemparametersinfo(windowstools.spi_setdropshadow, 0, true, 0); // - 開啟陰影效果
windowstools.setclasslong(hwnd , windowstools.gcl_style,
windowstools.getclasslong(hwnd , windowstools.gcl_style) | windowstools.cs_dropshadow);
5、繼承win訊息,新增四邊陰影private bool checkaeroenabled()
return false;
_aeroenabled = checkaeroenabled();
protected override void wndproc(ref message m)
; dwmextendframeintoclientarea(this.handle, ref margins);
}base.wndproc(ref m);
css設定邊框四邊的方法 1 使用border bottom屬性設定下邊框 2 使用border left屬性設定左邊框 3 使用border right屬性設定右邊框 4 使用border top屬性設定上邊框。本教程操作環境 windows7系統 css3版本,dell g3電腦。相關推薦 cs...
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日常開發中,因為需要自定義標題欄來實現更好的效果,所以經常需要隱藏視窗自帶的標題欄。在qt中,通過setwindowflags qt framelesswindowhint 函式對當前視窗設定無邊框,但是這樣存在乙個問題,就是視窗無法被滑鼠拖動了,所以這時候就需要重寫一下事件,來實現視窗的移動。先看...
c 無邊框視窗的入門級拖動實現
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