功耗分析 檢視Suspend狀態

2021-09-18 04:35:10 字數 3169 閱讀 3062

在suspend狀態(sleep mode)下,為了降低功耗,當系統做完需要做的事情,處於idle狀態時會進入睡眠模式(使用者將手機空置一段時間系統會自動sleep,或者按下power key強制系統進入sleep mode),此時系統時鐘會由26m切換到32k,某些外部device的電源會被關閉,系統所需的相關core電壓會被調到乙個相對較低的值,系統在sleep mode下的耗電要關注如下兩個指標:

乙個完整的suspend/喚醒log,應該包含關鍵字chip_pm_enter、md_settle = 99, settle = 99和wake up by***。md_settle = 99, settle = 99是系統進入suspend前列印的最後一行log,正常的話這一行log的前後行log時間戳是不會變的,因為suspend之後kernel時間不會計算,只有32k時鐘工作。

<6>[  922.885697]  (0)[1180:system_server]pm: suspend entry 2017-03-09 06:55:59.675845617 utc

<6>[ 922.885711] (0)[1180:system_server]pm: syncing filesystems ... done.

<3>[ 922.993726] (0)[1180:system_server][pbm] pm_suspend_prepare:start

<3>[ 922.993747] (0)[1180:system_server][pbm] pm_suspend_prepare:end

<7>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][name:mt_sleep&][slp] @@@chip_pm_enter@@@

<6>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][power/clkmgr] [slp_check_pm_mtcmos_pll]

<6>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][power/clkmgr] sys_md1: on

<6>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][power/clkmgr] sys_conn: on

<2>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][spm-pmic] [dlpt_r] pre_soc=57 soc=57 skip

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server]suspend - 6328 - 0x248 - 0x7673 - 0xfeff - 0x7473 - 9

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server]suspend - 6328 - 0x4d6 - 0x3021 - 0x0001 - 0x0020 - 0

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server]suspend - 6328 - 0xa32 - 0xc102 - 0x000e - 0x0100 - 1

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server]suspend - 6328 - 0xa3a - 0xc102 - 0x000e - 0x0000 - 1

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][spm] md_settle = 99, settle = 99

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][spm] sec = 900, wakesrc = 0xe04c5e4 (1)(1)

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][spm] wake up byeint, timer_out = 7440931, r13 = 0x10001000, debug_flag = 0x9f

<6>[ 923.334796] (1)[1180:system_server]pm: suspend exit 2017-03-09 06:59:47.201326615 utc

2.1 確認 suspend 的時間點

關鍵字:pm: suspend entry

<6>[  922.885697]  (0)[1180:system_server]pm: suspend entry 2017-03-09 06:55:59.675845617 utc
2.2 通過 suspend entry 和 md_settle 確定suspend時長

後面跟的時間就是當前的utc time(跟上層的android time換算要加上時區)。


<6>[  922.885697]  (0)[1180:system_server]pm: suspend entry 2017-03-09 06:55:59.675845617 utc

<4>[ 923.097349] -(0)[1180:system_server][spm] md_settle = 99, settle = 99

睡眠的準確時間點 = 06:55:59.675845617 + (923.097349 - 922.885697) = 06:55:59.887497617

2.3 pm: suspend exit的時間戳減去pm: suspend entry的時間戳

390: <6>[  868.695672] pm: suspend entry 2019-03-05 01:48:36.914426509 utc 

394: <4>[ 868.732182] suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)

395: <6>[ 868.740534] pm: wakeup pending, aborting suspend

397: <3>[ 868.749441] pm: some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected

401: <6>[ 868.797664] pm: suspend exit 2019-03-05 01:48:37.016425103 utc

睡眠的準確時間點 = 868.797664 - 868.695672 = 0.101992

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