int integertype = 5;
float floattype = 3.1415;
double doubletype = 2.2033;
short int shorttype = 200;
long int longlongtype = 7758123456767l;
char * cstring = "this is a string!";
// 4位元組
nslog(@"the size of an int is: %ld bytes",sizeof(int));
nslog(@"the size of an short int is: %ld bytes",sizeof(short int));
nslog(@"the size of an long int is: %ld bytes",sizeof(long int));
nslog(@"the size of an char is: %ld bytes",sizeof(char));
nslog(@"the size of an float is: %ld bytes",sizeof(float));
nslog(@"the size of an double is: %ld bytes",sizeof(double));
nslog(@"the size of an bool is: %ld bytes",sizeof(bool));
nslog(@"the value of integertype = %d.",integertype);
nslog(@"the value of integertype = %.2f.",floattype);
nslog(@"the value of integertype = %e.",doubletype);
nslog(@"the value of integertype = %d.",shorttype);
nslog(@"the value of integertype = %ld.",longlongtype);
nslog(@"the value of integertype = %s.",cstring);
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375231 ocdemo[12845:1095736] 格式化輸出資料
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375249 ocdemo[12845:1095736] the value of integertype = 5.
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375302 ocdemo[12845:1095736] the value of integertype = 3.14.
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375319 ocdemo[12845:1095736] the value of integertype = 2.203300e+00.
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375329 ocdemo[12845:1095736] the value of integertype = 200.
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375337 ocdemo[12845:1095736] the value of integertype = 7758123456767.
2016-10-09 17:07:01.375362 ocdemo[12845:1095736] the value of integertype = this is a string!.
nsnumber *num = [nsnumber numberwithint:88];
nsinteger integer = [num intvalue];
nsinteger integernumber = 888;nsstring * string = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d",integernumber];
nslog(@"string is %@", string);integer = [string intvalue];nslog(@"integer is%d", integernumber);
Objective C語法之基本資料型別
格式化字串 物件 d,i 整數 u 無符整形 f 浮點 雙字 x,x 二進位制整數 o 八進位制整數 zu size t p 指標 e 浮點 雙字 科學計算 g 浮點 雙字 s c 字串 s pascal字串 c 字元 c unichar lld 64位長整數 long long llu 無符64位...
Objective C中的基本資料型別
main.m 01.基本資料型別 created by zhangqs008 on 14 2 13.import int main int argc,const char argv return 0 輸出結果 2014 02 13 21 19 33.633 01.基本資料型別 1463 303 01...
Objective c語言 基本資料型別封裝和拆包
import int main int argc,const char argv cgsize size cgrect rect nsrange包含了兩個成員,location 以及 length。location表示起始位置,以0開始 length表示長度 nsrange range cgpoin...