su:swith user 切換使用者,搜尋引擎大全
cat: concatenate 串聯
uname: unix name 系統名稱
df: disk free 空餘硬碟
du: disk usage 硬碟使用率
chown: change owner 改變所有者
chgrp: change group 改變使用者組
ps:process status 程序狀態
tar:tape archive 解壓檔案
chmod: change mode 改變模式
umount: unmount 解除安裝
ldd:list dynamic dependencies 列出動態相依
insmod:install module 安裝模組
rmmod:remove module 刪除模組
lsmod:list module 列表模組
alias :create your own name for a command
bash :gnu bourne-again shell linux核心
mysql = my最初作者的名字sql = structured query language
php = personal home page tools = php hypertext preprocessor
ps = prompt string
perl = "pratical extraction and report language" = "pathologically eclectic rubbish lister"
python monty python's flying circus
tcl = tool command language
tk = toolkit
vt = video terminal
yast = yet another setup tool
apache = "a patchy" server
apt = advanced packaging tool
ar = archiver
as = assembler
bash = bourne again shell
bc = basic (better) calculator
bg = background
cal = calendar
cat = catenate
cd = change directory
chgrp = change group
chmod = change mode
chown = change owner
chsh = change shell
cmp = compare
copa = common object request poker architecture
comm = common
cp = copy
cpio = copy in and out
cpp = c pre processor
cups = common unix printing system
cvs = current version system
daemon = disk and execution monitor
dc = desk calculator
dd = disk dump
df = disk free
diff = difference
dmesg = diagnostic message
du = disk usage
ed = editor
egrep = extended grep
elf = extensible linking format
elm = electronic mail
emacs = editor macros
eval = evaluate
ex = extended
exec = execute
fd = file descriptors
fg = foreground
fgrep = fixed grep
fmt = format
fsck = file system check
fstab = filesystem table
fvwm = f*** virtual window manager
gawk = gnu awk
alt f1 f7 切換登入視窗 echo 變數 env 檢視環境變數 set 檢視環境變數和自定義變數,即當前bash下所有的變數 export 將變數設為環境變數,也可檢視環境變數 ctrl c 終止程式 ctrl d 文字輸入結束 表示eof ctrl z 暫停程式,把任務丟到後台 man f...
顯示目錄和檔案的命令 ls 用於檢視所有資料夾的命令。dir 用於顯示指定資料夾和目錄的命令 tree 以樹狀圖列出目錄內容 du 顯示目錄或檔案大小 chmod 用於改變指定目錄或檔案的許可權命令。chown 用於改變檔案擁有屬性的命令。chgrp 用於改變檔案群組的命令。chattr 用於設定檔...
Linux 命令大全
前提條件 使用者必須對被建立目錄的父目錄有寫許可權 格式 mkdir 選項 相對目錄 絕對目錄 例子 1.建立許可權為777的目錄 預設775 mkdir m 777 test1test1的許可權為 drwxrwxrwx 2.建立時建立父目錄和顯示資訊 mkdir vp 3.建立時建立父目錄和設定許...