7 1 建立標籤

2021-09-14 06:42:26 字數 2380 閱讀 7861


$ git branch

* dev


$ git checkout master

switched to branch 'master'

然後,敲命令git tag就可以打乙個新標籤:

$ git tag v1.0
可以用命令git tag檢視所有標籤:

$ git tag



方法是找到歷史提交的commit id,然後打上就可以了:

$ git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

12a631b (head -> master, tag: v1.0, origin/master) merged bug fix 101

4c805e2 fix bug 101

e1e9c68 merge with no-ff

f52c633 add merge

cf810e4 conflict fixed

5dc6824 & ******

14096d0 and ******

b17d20e branch test

d46f35e remove test.txt

b84166e add test.txt

519219b git tracks changes

e43a48b understand how stage works

e475afc add distributed

eaadf4e wrote a readme file

比方說要對add merge這次提交打標籤,它對應的commit idf52c633,敲入命令:

$ git tag v0.9 f52c633
再用命令git tag檢視標籤:

$ git tag



注意,標籤不是按時間順序列出,而是按字母排序的。可以用git show檢視標籤資訊:

$ git show v0.9

commit f52c63349bc3c1593499807e5c8e972b82c8f286 (tag: v0.9)

author: michael liao date: fri may 18 21:56:54 2018 +0800

add merge

diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt


可以看到,v0.9確實打在add merge這次提交上。


$ git tag -a v0.1 -m "version 0.1 released" 1094adb
用命令git show可以看到說明文字:

$ git show v0.1

tag v0.1

tagger: michael liao date: fri may 18 22:48:43 2018 +0800

version 0.1 released

commit 1094adb7b9b3807259d8cb349e7df1d4d6477073 (tag: v0.1)

author: michael liao date: fri may 18 21:06:15 2018 +0800

diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt



命令git tag用於新建乙個標籤,預設為head,也可以指定乙個commit id

命令git tag -a -m "blablabla..."可以指定標籤資訊;

命令git tag可以檢視所有標籤。


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