在linux系統下面,top命令可以檢視檢視stopped程序。但是不能檢視stopped程序的詳細資訊。那麼如何檢視stopped 程序,並且殺掉這些stopped程序呢?
一般較常見的是5種狀態碼:d uninterruptible sleep (usually io)
i idle kernel thread
r running or runnable (on run queue)
s interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
t stopped by job control signal
t stopped by debugger during the tracing
w paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
x dead (should never be seen)
z defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by
its parent
for bsd formats and when the stat keyword is used, additional
rs may be displayed:
n low-priority (nice to other users)
l has pages locked into memory (for real-time and custom
io)s is a session leader
l is multi-threaded (using clone_thread, like nptl
pthreads do)
+ is in the foreground process group
所以,可以用下面命令ps -a -ostat,ppid,pid,cmd | grep -e 『^[t]『 檢視stopped的程序資訊,進而使用kill命令將程序完全殺死。如下所示:d 不可中斷 uninterruptible sleep (usually io)
r 執行 runnable (on run queue)
s 中斷 sleeping
t 停止 traced or stopped
z 僵死 a defunct (」zombie」) process
# ps -a -ostat,ppid,pid,cmd | grep -e '^[t]'
t 6777 8635 more alert_pps.log
t 6777 9654 tail -60f alert_pps.log
t 6777 10724 top
# kill -9 8635
# ps -a -ostat,ppid,pid,cmd | grep -e '^[t]'
t 6777 9654 tail -60f alert_pps.log
t 6777 10724 top
# kill -9 9654
# kill -9 10724
在linux系統下面,top命令可以檢視檢視stopped程序。但是不能檢視stopped程序的詳細資訊。那麼如何檢視stopped 程序,並且殺掉這些stopped程序呢?stopped程序的stat狀態為t,一般而言,程序有下面這些狀態碼 d uninterruptible sleep usua...
Excle Word程序查殺
公司專案上大量用到excel word匯入匯出,最頭疼的就是程序常駐後台,呼叫quite dispose還是有然後就想到了以下方法.是貼上的不能保留樣式,高手勿噴.system.diagnostics.process process system.diagnostics.process.getpro...
小結 1.開啟cmd視窗 2.查詢8080埠號被占用的程式的pid 在cmd視窗輸入後回車 netstat ano findstr 8080 3.如果顯示列表的最後一列有除4以外的數字,找到那些pid數字,例如9191,執行即可檢視哪些程式占用了埠 結束該程序 c taskkill f t im w...