#include "draw.h"
#include "stdio.h"
using namespace cv;
void draw_route(const double(*c)[2], int *shortest_route)
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) //畫線
point p1((c[*(shortest_route)][0] / 10), (c[*(shortest_route)][1] / 10));
point p2((c[*(shortest_route + 30)][0] / 10), (c[*(shortest_route + 30)][1] / 10));
line(img, p1, p2, scalar(255, 0, 255));
iplimage *src; //給新增標註
src = &iplimage(img);
cvfont font, font1;
double hscale = 0.9;
double vscale = 0.9;
int linewidth = 1;
cvinitfont(&font, cv_font_hershey_******x | cv_font_italic, hscale, vscale, 0, linewidth);
cvinitfont(&font1, cv_font_hershey_******x | cv_font_italic, hscale - 0.4, vscale - 0.4, 0, linewidth);
cvputtext(src, "the shortest route", cvpoint(150, 25), &font, cv_rgb(0, 0, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) //新增城市名字
namedwindow("the shortest route", cv_window_normal); //使視窗可以調節大小
imshow("the shortest route", img);
}void draw_lbest(const int nc_max, double *l_best)
iplimage *src; //給新增標註
src = &iplimage(img);
cvfont font, font1;
double hscale = 0.9;
double vscale = 0.9;
int linewidth = 1;
cvinitfont(&font, cv_font_hershey_******x | cv_font_italic, hscale, vscale, 0, linewidth);
cvinitfont(&font1, cv_font_hershey_******x | cv_font_italic, hscale - 0.3, vscale - 0.3, 0, linewidth);
cvputtext(src, "length of the route", cvpoint(150, 25), &font, cv_rgb(0, 0, 0));
cvputtext(src, "length", cvpoint(30, 60), &font1, cv_rgb(0, 0, 255));
cvputtext(src, "iterations", cvpoint(400, 520), &font1, cv_rgb(0, 0, 255));
namedwindow("length of the route", cv_window_normal); //使視窗可以調節大小
imshow("length of the route", img);
void draw_lbest_aco(const int nc_max, double *l_best)
iplimage *src; //給新增標註
src = &iplimage(img);
cvfont font, font1;
double hscale = 0.9;
double vscale = 0.9;
int linewidth = 1;
cvinitfont(&font, cv_font_hershey_******x | cv_font_italic, hscale, vscale, 0, linewidth);
cvinitfont(&font1, cv_font_hershey_******x | cv_font_italic, hscale - 0.3, vscale - 0.3, 0, linewidth);
cvputtext(src, "profit", cvpoint(30, 60), &font1, cv_rgb(0, 0, 255));
cvputtext(src, "iterations", cvpoint(400, 520), &font1, cv_rgb(0, 0, 255));
namedwindow("length of the route", cv_window_normal); //使視窗可以調節大小
imshow("length of the route", img);
OpenCV學習 繪製貝賽爾曲線
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