更新sql如下:select substr(t.buy_reason, 1, length(t.buy_reason) - 1)
from tm_potential_customer t
where 1 = 1
and substr(t.buy_reason, length(t.buy_reason), 1) = ';'
and t.buy_reason is not null
and trim(t.buy_reason) <> '';
效果如下圖:update tm_potential_customer m
set m.buy_reason=(select substr(t.buy_reason, 1, length(t.buy_reason) - 1)
from tm_potential_customer t
where 1 = 1
and substr(t.buy_reason, length(t.buy_reason), 1) = ';'
and t.buy_reason is not null
and trim(t.buy_reason) <> ''
and t.customer_no = m.customer_no
and t.entity_code = m.entity_code
)where substr(m.buy_reason, length(m.buy_reason), 1) = ';'
and m.buy_reason is not null
and trim(m.buy_reason) <> ''
update tm_potential_customer m
set m.buy_reason=(select substr(t.buy_reason, 1, length(t.buy_reason) - 1)
from tm_potential_customer t
where 1 = 1
and substr(t.buy_reason, length(t.buy_reason), 1) = ';'
and t.buy_reason is not null
and trim(t.buy_reason) <> ''
and t.customer_no = m.customer_no
and t.entity_code = m.entity_code
--substr(m.buy_reason, length(m.buy_reason), 1) = ';'
m.buy_reason is not null
and trim(m.buy_reason) <> ''
SQL資料庫修復 資料庫置疑修復
sql資料庫修復的三大核心技術 1 磁碟陣列分析重組技術 2 資料庫恢復與修復技術 3 scsi盤物理故障開盤技術。至今已經成功恢復數百台伺服器的sql資料庫,使用者覆蓋全國。導致sql資料庫丟失的原因 1 各種原因 誤刪除 誤格式化 斷電等造成的ms sql server資料庫檔案破壞。2 ms ...
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