php 安裝 rabbitmq-c-0.9.0 擴充套件
安裝 ibrabbitmq-c
github 倉庫位址
scanning dependencies of target amqp-publish安裝過程如果報錯
[ 87%] built target amqp-get
[ 88%] building c object tools/cmakefiles/amqp-publish.dir/publish.c.o
/home/mpay/software/rabbitmq-c-master/tools/publish.c: 在函式『main』中:
/home/mpay/software/rabbitmq-c-master/tools/publish.c:87:23: 錯誤:『popt_arg_ar**』未宣告(在此函式內第一次使用)
/home/mpay/software/rabbitmq-c-master/tools/publish.c:87:23: 附註:每個未宣告的識別符號在其出現的函式內只報告一次{"header", 'h', popt_arg_ar**, &headers, 0,
gmake[2]: * [tools/cmakefiles/amqp-publish.dir/publish.c.o] 錯誤 1
gmake[1]: * [tools/cmakefiles/amqp-publish.dir/all] 錯誤 2
gmake: * [all] 錯誤 2
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -dcmake_install_prefix=/usr/local/librabbitmq ..
make && make install
ln -s /usr/local/librabbitmq/lib64 /usr/local/librabbitmq/lib
2.pecl install amqp
hecking for amqp using pkg-config... configure: error: librabbitmq not found
error: `/tmp/pear/temp/amqp/configure --with-librabbitmq-dir' failed
在提示位置 輸入 /usr/local/librabbitmq
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